What Makes a Good YMIS Story


All good stories are generally made up of:

Some stories are a single instance of these elements. Others might be made up of a series of related smaller stories that are woven into a broader narrative. Either approach can be incredibly effective. 


Early on, explain the situation at a high level, and introduce all the characters who will be with you throughout your story. Characters that come in during the story can wait until they make their appearance. 


These can really help the audience “be there” with you. Help them understand what you were seeing, hearing, feeling, and thinking. Thoughts, emotions, conversations, surroundings, etc.

“I was walking down the road and saw a dog coming toward me.”

“It was a hot, humid day. I was walking down the dry gravel road that ran next to our property, and I remember seeing the dust kicking up with each step I took. The sun was high overhead. I could smell fresh cut grass, and despite it being in the middle of summer break – when I should have been carefree – I remember feeling nervous for some reason. That’s when I saw the small shape of an animal trotting toward me down the center of the road ahead. As it came nearer, I could see it was a scraggly dog.”