Bruges, Belgium

October 3-6, 2017

YMIAPHD Meeting (Young Mathematicians In A Ph.D. Meeting) is a biannual meeting of Ph.D. students of Sonderforschungsbereiche (SFB) 878 - Groups, Geometry & Actions, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Münster.

The meeting aims at

a) bringing together Ph.D. students of SFB 878;

b) learning about different research areas and other interesting mathematical topics which Ph.D. students are working on.

The 2nd meeting of 2017 will take place in Bruges, Belgium from the 3rd until 6th of October 2017. All Ph.D. students of SFB 878 are invited to join the meeting. To look at the 1st meeting of this year, please follow this link.

Preliminary registration:

If you are interested in participating, please pre-register yourself by sending us an email which includes

1) Name;

2) University email address;

3) Name of the group in which you are working;

4) A probability that you would like to participate.

at YMIAPHD2017@uni-muenster.de

Final registration:

Please fill out the online form to confirm your participation. Deadline is June 20, 2017.


Divya Sharma, Jins de Jong.


We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of

SFB 878 - Groups, Geometry & Actions