Professor at

Minsik Kim, Ph.D.

Associate professor
Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Human Ecology
Yonsei University

Education |

Ph.D. in Agricultural Biotechnology (Food Science and Biotechnology), Seoul National University 

B.S. in Food Science and Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Summa Cum Laude), Seoul National University

Experiences |

Organizing committee member (Scientific program committee), The Microbiological Society of Korea (Jan. 2024~)

Eco-friendly school meal support deliberative committee member, Seoul city (Feb. 2024~)

Principal investigator, Yonsei Molecular Food Microbiology Lab, Yonsei University (Mar. 2017~)

Postdoctoral fellow, BK21+ Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University

Postdoctoral fellow, Center for Food Safety and Toxicology, Seoul National University

Postdoctoral fellow, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, HHMI, Boston MA

Sergeant, Korea Military Academy

Research Interest |

Control & detection of foodboren pathogens using phages/endolsins

Virulence factors/mechanisms of foodboren pathogens causing foodborn illnesses 

Genome/transcriptome/metagenome analysis of useful/harmful bacteria & its phages living with us

Microbiome modulation using phages and phage derivatives

Awards & Funds |

Feb. 2023. Award for Excellence in Teaching (2022). Yonsei University

Feb. 2022. Award for Excellence in Teaching (2021). Yonsei University

Feb. 2021. Award for Excellence in Teaching (2020). Yonsei University

Feb. 2020. Award for Excellence in Teaching (2019). Yonsei University

Jun. 2018. Outstanding abstract. American Society for Microbiology

Nov. 2017. Best oral presentation award. The Federation of Korean Microbiological Society

Jun. 2016. Student and postdoctoral travel award. American Society for Microbiology

Nov. 2013. Achievement award. Center for Food and Bioconvergence, Seoul National University

Jun. 2012. Student travel grant award. American Society for Microbiology

Dec. 2011. Research achievement award. BK21 Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University

Mar. 2009. - Feb. 2011. Supported by a Korea Student Aid Foundation (KOSAF) grant funded by the Korea government (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology), Republic of Korea.

Feb. 2009. Academic excellence award. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University

Lectures |

Undergraduate school

Graduate school