Yonsei Macro-Finance-International

Reading Group

  • This is a reading group of Yonsei University whose research interests lie in macroeconomics/finance/international (macro+trade) or related fields. We always welcome new participants!

  • Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the meeting will be held online via zoom. Zoom link will be provided to participants. Please contact Myungkyu Shim (myungkyushim@yonsei.ac.kr) if you are interested in joining this group.

  • 2021 Fall Schedule

  1. 2021/09/27 (Monday, 12pm)

(1) Kick-off (introduction of participating faculties' researches)

(2) Trade Shocks and Credit Reallocation (Federico et al., WP, 2020) (Seung Yong Yoo and Yeon Oh Ji)

  1. 2021/10/25 (Monday, 12pm)

(1) On the Welfare Cost of Business Cycles: the Role of Labor-Market Heterogeneity (Jaehun Jung)

(2) Mr. Keynes and the "Classics"; A Suggested Reinterpretation (by Eggertsson and Petracchi, NBER Working paper, 2021) (Sukjoon Kim, Siye Bae)

  1. 2021/11/29 (Monday, 12pm)

(1) Revisiting the Monetary Transmission Mechanism through an Industry-Level Differential Approach (Seung Yong Yoo)

(2) International Spillovers and Local Credit Cycles (by Baskaya et al., RES, forthcoming) (Jiyeon Pi)

  1. 2022/01/10 (Monday, 12pm)

(1) Fiscal stimulus in a monetary union: Evidence from US region (by Nakamura and Steinsson, AER, 2014) (Taehyun Park)

(2) Energy productivity and energy demand: Experimental evidence from Indian manufacturing plants (by Ryan, NBER working paper, 2018) (Taekmin Nahm, Youngsang Jo)

(3) Financial development and international trade (by Leibovici, JPE, 2021) (Doyoung Song, Seung Yong Yoo)

  1. 2022/01/24 (Monday, 12pm)

(1) Firm Dynamics, Job Turnover, and Wage Distributions in an Open Economy (by Cosar et al., AER, 2016) (Sanghwi Ko, Seungwon Kang)

(2) Structural Change in Labor Supply and Cross-Country Differences in Hours Worked (by Bick et al., NBER working paper, 2021) (Yeeun Kim)

(3) Sharing a ride on the commodities roller coaster: common factor in business cycles of emerging economies (by Fernandez et al., JIE, forthcoming) (Seoyeon Jeong, Juhee Kim)

  1. 2022/02/14 (Monday, 12pm)

(1) Redrawing the map of global capital flows: The role of cross-border financing and tax havens (by Coppola et al. QJE, 2021) (Jiri Havel, Seung Yong Yoo)

(2) Capital flows and the international credit channel (by Baskaya et al., JIE, 2017) (Jeongjoo Goh)

(3) Whether, when, how to extend unemployment benefits: Theory and application to Covid-19 (by Mitman and Rabinovich, JPubE, 2021) (Junghyun Kim)