August 5th - 9th, University of Glasgow

A conference organised for and by master/Ph.D.-students and postdocs in Operator Algebras (both von Neumann and C*-algebras) and related areas, with the goal of fostering scientific and social interaction between young researchers.

We are grateful for the financial support provided by Xin Li through his European Research Council grant. This conference would not be possible without his support. We are also grateful for the financial support from the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Learning and Research Support Fund and the Heilbronn Institute Small Grants Scheme. The conference is additionally financially supported by the Edinburgh Mathematical Society and the London Mathematical Society.

Conference organizers: Ujan Chakraborty, Julian Gonzales, Jeremy Hume, Xiaoqi Lu, Francesco Pagliuca and Samantha Pilgrim

External organizers: Adam Fuller and Priyanga Ganesan