Ymax Plus is a free app for iOS published in the System Maintenance list of apps, part of System Utilities.

The company that develops Ymax Plus is ymax. The latest version released by its developer is 2.1.3. This app was rated by 6 users of our site and has an average rating of 4.3.

To install Ymax Plus on your iOS device, just click the green Continue To App button above to start the installation process. The app is listed on our website since 2023-12-20 and was downloaded 5,325 times. We have already checked if the download link is safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded app with your antivirus. Your antivirus may detect the Ymax Plus as malware if the download link is broken.

How to install Ymax Plus on your iOS device:Click on the Continue To App button on our website. This will redirect you to the App Store.Once the Ymax Plus is shown in the iTunes listing of your iOS device, you can start its download and installation. Tap on the GET button to the right of the app to start downloading it.If you are not logged-in the iOS appstore app, you'll be prompted for your your Apple ID and/or password.After Ymax Plus is downloaded, you'll see an INSTALL button to the right. Tap on it to start the actual installation of the iOS app.Once installation is finished you can tap on the OPEN button to start it. Its icon will also be added to your device home screen.

I can not get the minimum value of a waveform family. I would expect that ymin returns a waveform where the Y values are minimum y values of the waveforms in the waveform family and the X values are the leaf values of the family. ymin returns with the error below for a family. I am able to plot the waveform family. ymin() work well for a different waveform family created by IS() function from a parametric DC sweep.

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Clearly there is something I do not notice or do not understand about using the function. Could you tell me how to debug it further and help me understand what's going on? Why is one waveform family accepted, but the other not.



Edit: I use icadv 12.2-64b.500.7

The issue is probably because IF returns the results from an AC analysis, which means that the results are a complex current (from this you can find the magnitude and phase, or real and imaginary parts). The ymin function cannot find the minimum complex value (what would that mean, for a start?).

I would have bet, that I have checked it.. This was the problem. Thanks. 

To answer your rhetorical question I do not find it illogical to assume that the magnitude is used in every calculations just as the magnitude is plotted for a complex waveform. It seems to me rather intuitive to return the smallest Y-axis value of a plot for the ymax() function. Anyway, I see the logic behind it. I just wish that the error message would have given a more useful message.

I was trying to do the Copterflyer program included in the games section of the program, and cant find the Xmin Xmax etc. keys. If you could help me out and tell me where to find these, that'd be great. I'm using a TI-84 plus.

Provides access to members that manipulate global parameters of the camera. Description IGlobeCamera is used primarily to manipulate the globe camera or the perspective of a 3D globe display. It's implemented by the Camera associated with the active viewer in the globe display. Using this interface you can get/set the following properties: OrientationMode - the navigation mode, surface or global. RollOffset offsets the roll angle. By default, RollOffset = 0.

IGlobeCamera also has the following methods: GetTargetLatLonAlt and SetTargetLatLonAlt - target location where latitude and longitude are in decimal degrees and altitude is in kilometers. GetObserverLatLonAlt and SetObserverLatLonAlt -observer location where latitude and longitude are in decimal degrees and altitude is in kilometers. GetLocalOrientation - azimuth, inclination and roll angles relative to the current target on surface, when in surface navigation. GetAccurateViewDirection and SetAccurateViewDirection - high precision normalized view direction. While navigating, when the target is very near to the observer, this method helps in removing the imprecisions in the viewing direction vector, which cause jerkiness, by setting a unit vector in the viewing direction. GetFrustrumSkewRect and SetFrustrumSkewRect - can be used to display/export portions of the current globe view. By default, the values xmin (left) = 0, xmax (right) = 1, ymin (bottom) = 0, ymax (top) = 1, which represent the whole display or rectangular viewing frustum. For example, the viewing frustum parameters can be changed to only display the bottom left half by setting xmin = 0, xmax = 0.5, ymin = 0, and ymax = 0.5.

Method Summary voidgetAccurateViewDirection(double[] pViewX, double[] pViewY, double[] pViewZ)

 Get the high precision normalized view direction. voidgetFrustumSkewRect(double[] xMin, double[] xMax, double[] yMin, double[] yMax)

 Values are between 0 and 1 -- define the skew rectangle. voidgetLocalOrientation(double[] plocalAzi, double[] pLocalIncl, double[] pLocalRoll)

 Get the azimuth, inclination and roll angles relative to the current target on surface. intgetNavigationType()

 The navigation type. voidgetObserverLatLonAlt(double[] pLatDD, double[] pLonDD, double[] pAltKMs)

 Set the observer location as a combination of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees plus altitude in kilometers. intgetOrientationMode()

 The orientation mode. doublegetRollOffset()

 The offset for the roll angle in degrees. voidgetTargetLatLonAlt(double[] pLatDD, double[] pLonDD, double[] pAltKMs)

 Get the target location as a combination of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees plus altitude in kilometers. voidsetAccurateViewDirection(double viewX, double viewY, double viewZ)

 Set the high precision normalized view direction. voidsetFrustumSkewRect(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax)

 Values are between 0 and 1 -- define the skew rectangle. voidsetNavigationType(int pType)

 The navigation type. voidsetObserverLatLonAlt(double latDD, double lonDD, double altKMs)

 Set the observer location as a combination of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees plus altitude in kilometers. voidsetOrientationMode(int pMode)

 The orientation mode. voidsetRollOffset(double pRollAngle)

 The offset for the roll angle in degrees. voidsetTargetLatLonAlt(double latDD, double lonDD, double altKMs)

 Set the target location as a combination of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees plus altitude in kilometers. voidsetToZoomToExtents(IEnvelope pExtent, IGlobe pGlobe, ISceneViewer pSceneViewer)

 Set the Camera to Zoom to an Extent. Method DetailsetOrientationModevoid setOrientationMode(int pMode) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionThe orientation mode. Remarks When using this property to switch from global to local navigation mode, no other properties are affected. Yet to effectively switch to local navigation mode, two other properties must first be set:

In global navigation mode, the target's altitude is fixed to the center of the Earth, having an altitude of approximately -6367.445 km. When setting the orientation mode to local, the target altitude remains set to the center of the Earth. To effectively switch to local orientation mode, set the target altitude to a value slightly offset from the Earth's surface: i.e. 0.001 km (1 meter).

In global navigation mode, observer and target coordinates are kept locked in sync, so that when the observer coordinates change, the target coordinates reflect the same values. When setting orientation mode to local, the target coordinates remain set to the same coordinates as the observer, causing our line of sight to be locked in place, preventing us from being able to navigate. To be able to effectively navigate, set the observer coordinates to values that differ from the target. The greater the offset between the observer and target, the greater the flexibility that should found when navigating in local mode: i.e. add 10 degrees to the Observer latitude and longitude values.

Parameters:pMode - A com.esri.arcgis.globecore.esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode constant (in)Throws:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.getOrientationModeint getOrientationMode() throws IOException, AutomationExceptionThe orientation mode. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Supported Platforms Windows, Solaris, LinuxReturns:A com.esri.arcgis.globecore.esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode constantThrows:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.setTargetLatLonAltvoid setTargetLatLonAlt(double latDD, double lonDD, double altKMs) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionSet the target location as a combination of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees plus altitude in kilometers. Remarks Setting the target altitude has no effect when orientation mode is set to global as the target location must remain fixed in the center of the globe when in that mode.

Parameters:latDD - The latDD (in)lonDD - The lonDD (in)altKMs - The altKMs (in)Throws:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.getTargetLatLonAltvoid getTargetLatLonAlt(double[] pLatDD, double[] pLonDD, double[] pAltKMs) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionGet the target location as a combination of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees plus altitude in kilometers. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Supported Platforms Windows, Solaris, LinuxParameters:pLatDD - The pLatDD (out: use single element array)pLonDD - The pLonDD (out: use single element array)pAltKMs - The pAltKMs (out: use single element array)Throws:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.setObserverLatLonAltvoid setObserverLatLonAlt(double latDD, double lonDD, double altKMs) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionSet the observer location as a combination of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees plus altitude in kilometers. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Supported Platforms Windows, Solaris, LinuxParameters:latDD - The latDD (in)lonDD - The lonDD (in)altKMs - The altKMs (in)Throws:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.getObserverLatLonAltvoid getObserverLatLonAlt(double[] pLatDD, double[] pLonDD, double[] pAltKMs) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionSet the observer location as a combination of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees plus altitude in kilometers. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Supported Platforms Windows, Solaris, LinuxParameters:pLatDD - The pLatDD (out: use single element array)pLonDD - The pLonDD (out: use single element array)pAltKMs - The pAltKMs (out: use single element array)Throws:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.setRollOffsetvoid setRollOffset(double pRollAngle) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionThe offset for the roll angle in degrees. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Supported Platforms Windows, Solaris, LinuxParameters:pRollAngle - The pRollAngle (in)Throws:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.getRollOffsetdouble getRollOffset() throws IOException, AutomationExceptionThe offset for the roll angle in degrees. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Supported Platforms Windows, Solaris, LinuxReturns:The pRollAngleThrows:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.getFrustumSkewRectvoid getFrustumSkewRect(double[] xMin, double[] xMax, double[] yMin, double[] yMax) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionValues are between 0 and 1 -- define the skew rectangle. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Supported Platforms Windows, Solaris, LinuxParameters:xMin - The xMin (out: use single element array)xMax - The xMax (out: use single element array)yMin - The yMin (out: use single element array)yMax - The yMax (out: use single element array)Throws:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.setFrustumSkewRectvoid setFrustumSkewRect(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionValues are between 0 and 1 -- define the skew rectangle. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Supported Platforms Windows, Solaris, LinuxParameters:xMin - The xMin (in)xMax - The xMax (in)yMin - The yMin (in)yMax - The yMax (in)Throws:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.setAccurateViewDirectionvoid setAccurateViewDirection(double viewX, double viewY, double viewZ) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionSet the high precision normalized view direction. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Supported Platforms Windows, Solaris, LinuxParameters:viewX - The viewX (in)viewY - The viewY (in)viewZ - The viewZ (in)Throws:IOException - If there are interop problems.AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.getAccurateViewDirectionvoid getAccurateViewDirection(double[] pViewX, double[] pViewY, double[] pViewZ) throws IOException, AutomationExceptionGet the high precision normalized view direction. Description Get the high precision normalized view direction. The x, y and z values returned will create a 3D vector with a unit length of 1. 152ee80cbc

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