YLV Soft Devpr

At YLVSoftDevpr, our mission is to provide every person who is interested in our applications to obtain quality and comfortable this ones. We doing it by building app step by step, excluding SW errors and correcting User Interface with User Experience while testing but before place it into production.

We are based on next principles below:

Security: We try to protect any data you provide us through security and encryption.

Transparency: We will make you informed about data collection that we pick up. We don`t hide any important conditions of our privacy policy in difficult access places or small print.

No targeting: We won`t use your email or other personal content to target any advertizing to you

You can have a look at our list of applications and try any of them you wish.

We are working to improve each detail of our product. So, You are welcome to mail feedback on any application we presented this website.

Limitation of Liability:

Our applications or services are provided "as is" and available without warranties of any kind. But we will try to resolve defects and errors.