
"One key questions for evolutionary developmental biology (EvoDevo) is to reconstruct the genetic tool-kit present in Urbilateria, the last common ancestor of invertebrates and vertebrates...In the medium-term it will be important to have at least one complete genome from each animal phylum, and in the long-term to reconstruct the archetypal genome of Urbilateria."

— Edward De Robertis (2008)

Gene models

Bryozoan genomes (5 bryozoan species; Lewin et al., 2024a) | Link

Annelid genomes (23 annelid species; Lewin et al., 2024b) | Link

Genome resources

The nemertean Notospermus geniculatus (Luo et al., 2018)

The phoronid Phoronis australis (Luo et al., 2018)

The brachiopod Lingula anatina (Luo et al., 2015)
