I am a pre-tenured professor with Fudan University. Before that, I was an assistant professor of Singapore Management University. Also, he worked as a research assistant professor of Nanyang Technology University and a research fellow with NExT++, National University of Singapore (NUS). I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Tsinghua University in 2018. I have published over 60 top tier conference papers, which received over 6,000 google citations. I obtains ACL2023 best paper nomination, Frontiers of Science Award at ICBS2023, Lee Kong Chian Fellowship, Google South Asia & Southeast Asia Awards, and AI2000 most influential scholar award honorable mention. I serves ACL 2024 demo chair, WWW2024 organizing committee, area chairs for ACL2023, EMNLP2023, etc..

Research Area: Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Engineering, Multi-modal information processing.

Recent Research Interests: Auto-evaluation of LLMs, LLM reasoning ability, RAG.

I am looking for highly motivated PhD students and other type of research staff, feel free to drop me your CV. 

Publications [Google Scholar] [DBLP]










Invited Talk

From Evaluation To Understanding: Auto-benchmarking (Multi-modal) LLMs and Beyond

Trustworthy NLP with knowledge guidance.

Multi-modal Event Knowledge Graph [slides]

Introduction to Knowledge Graph [Slides]

Self-guided Universal Knowledge Graph Construction.  [Slides] 

Domain Specific Knowledge Graph Construction: Towards Wellness Applications

Professional Services

Program Chair: ACL system demo track 2024.

Senior Area Chair: AACL 2022

Area Chair: ACL 2023, AACL 2023, CCL 2023

SI Chair: Artificial Intelligence Technology.

Local Chair: WSDM 2023, WWW 2024.

Editorial Board: Frontiers in Big Data

Senior Program Committee Member of IJCAI 2021

Program Committee Member of ICLR 2022.

Program Committee Member of ICML 2021.

Program Committee Member of WWW 2021, 2022.

Program Committee Member of AAAI 2020, 2021, 2022

Program Committee Member of NeurIPs 2020, 2021

Program Committee Member of COLING 2020.

Program Committee Member of EMNLP 2019, 2020, 2021

Program Committee Member of ACL 2019, 2020, 2021

Program Committee Member of NAACL 2019. 2020, 2021

Program Committee Member of CCKS 2019, 2020, 2021

Program Committee Member of NLPCC 2020, 2021

Program Committee Member of ICKG 2019.

Program Committee Member of IJCKG 2021.

Invited Reviewer of TPAMI, TACL, TKDE, TOIS, TASLP, TKDD, IEEE Access, Neural Computing.

Education & Experience

Postdoc Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Jul 2018 - Present.

Advisor: Prof. Chua Tat-Seng (NExT: NUS-Tsinghua Extreme Search Center)

Visting Scholar, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, U.S.A. Dec 2016 - Jun 2017.

Advisor: Prof. Heng Ji

PhD, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Sep 2013 - Jul 2018.

Advisor: Prof. Juanzi Li

Master, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing China. Sep 2009 - Mar 2012.

Advisor: Prof. Qinghe Wu

Bachelor, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China, Sep 2005 - Jul 2009.


May. 16, 2024

Four/Five papers are  accepted by ACL main conference /Findings, respectively!

Oct. 10, 2023

Two/Four papers are  accepted by EMNLP main conference /Findings, respectively!

May. 06, 2023

One paper is  accepted by TOIS2023 about Document-level relation extraction!

May. 03, 2023

Five papers are accepted by ACL2023 about few-shot event extraction and event generation!

Nov. 21, 2022

Our paper is accepted by AAAI2023 about modeling uncertainty of Knowledge Graph!

Oct. 06, 2022

Our paper is accepted by EMNLP2022 about natural language inference!

Aug. 15, 2022

Our paper is accepted by COLING2022 about event relation extraction!

Aug. 01, 2022

Our paper is accepted by CIKM2022 about entity alignment!

Jun. 29, 2022

Our paper is accepted by MM2022 about cross-domain few-shot learning!

Apr. 07, 2022

Our paper is accepted by NAACL2022 about fine-grained event extraction!

Mar. 31, 2022

Our paper is accepted by SIGIR2022 about explainable next event generation!

Feb. 23, 2022

Three papers are accepted by ACL2022 about event extraction, event KG, and KG embedding!

Nov. 29, 2021

Our paper is accepted by AAAI2022 about debiasing NLI!

Sep. 10, 2021

Our paper is accepted by EMNLP2021 about evaluating the quality and explainability of KG reasoning!

Jul. 10, 2021

Our paper is accepted by MM2021 about missing data imputation!

Jun. 28, 2021

Our paper is accepted by TKDE2021 about Long-tail Relation Extraction!

May. 07, 2021

Three papers are accepted by ACL2021  about KG completion, Relation Extraction and Few-shot Named Entity Recognition!

Sep. 18, 2020

One paper is accepted by EMNLP2020  about Entity Alignment!

Apr 22, 2020

One paper is accepted by SIGIR2020 about Cross-Modal Retrieval!

Apr 4, 2020

Two papers are accepted by ACL2020 about Event Extraction and Expertise Style Transfer!

Jan 11, 2020

One paper is accepted by WWW2020 about Knowledge Graph based Recommendation!

Nov 11, 2019

One paper is accepted by AAAI2020 about Multi-modal Event Extraction!

Oct 28, 2019

One paper is accepted by JIST2019 about domain specific entity linking!

Oct 02, 2019

One paper is accepted by ICDE2020 about Relation Extraction!

Aug 16, 2019

Two papers are accepted by EMNLP2019 about Entity Alignment and NER!