Useful Information

Athletic Center: Connec+ , Recreational center

Economic Associations: AEA ASA CES IAAE SEA

Data set: AQHI Conference Board US sentimental index

Journal Search Enigine: ISI

Optimization solvers: R, ADMM, PGI

R packages: Machine Learning, Time Series Analysis,

R packages for High Dimensional Data Analysis

  1. Model-Free Covariate Selection (CovSelHigh )

  2. Test for complete independence (RDnp), for white noises and martingale differences (HDTSA ), for mean vectors, covariance matrices, and white noises of vector time series (HDtest), and for coefficients of generalized linear models (HDGLM), and Simultaneous Critical Values for t-Tests (highTtest), p values in linear models (HCTR ) and Outlier identification (rrcovHD)

  3. Adaptive dimension reduction (Rdimtools ), Penalized generalized estimating equation (PGEE), Time series analysis (HDTSA), linear regression model with measurement error (hdme)

  4. Functional principle component analysis (ftsa), Robust multivariate methods (rrcovHD), factor analysis (cate ), Generate time series with multiple changes points (InspectChangepoin ), PCA estimation (hdpca,abundant), sparse precision matrix estimation (sparseMatEst,CVglasso,yuima )

Useful Data: JAE Data, Journal Achieved Data