I am an experimental physicist working in the interdisciplinary domain of physics and materials science, emphasizing macroscopic quantum phenomena in solid-state platforms and their liaison with modern device technology. 

I joined The University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK) in Aug. 2022 as an assistant professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Physics and Astronomy. My research group is part of the Tennessee Quantum Center of Institute for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing (IAMM).

This page presents a basic coverage of my academic background. Reach out to wangyishu@utk.edu for more information. 

Education Background

Professional Appointments 


MSE350/PHYS342 Principles of Materials Physics / Structure of Matter, Spring 2023

MSE201 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Fall 2022, Fall 2023, Spring 2024 (MSE Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching 2024)


Early Career Advisory Board member for APS Physical Review B (2024-present)

Education, Outreach, and Diversity Deputy Director, UTK-MRSEC (2023-present)

Organizer for APS March Meeting focus session (2022)

Reviewer for scientific journals such as Nature, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Review of Scientific Instruments, etc.

Reviewer for funding agencies such as DoE-BES and DFG German Research Foundation.

Reviewer for national facilities such as ORNL-SNS, ORNL-HFIR, SLAC, etc.
