Yirong Yang 杨衣容


Hi, I am a fourth-year mathematics PhD candidate at the University of Washington, advised by Isabella Novik.

I am interested in the combinatorics of simplicial manifolds, as well as connections between combinatorics and topology.

About me

My curriculum vitae. I can be reached by email at yyang1@uw.edu.

My current career goals are:

My non-mathematical interests are the visual arts, knitting, hiking, traveling, cooking, reading, and advocating for sustainability and slow fashion. 

You probably know me as Connie Yang if we met before 2017. 

Conferences and Travels


In Fall 2024, I am helping with the University of Washington Combinatorics Seminar



You might have seen me at

Beach of Mathematics III, 2020. Ink on Paper. 

This work is from my series of drawings Beach of Mathematics. The bubbles-and-small-figures pattern was inspired by the picture of a simply-connected covering space of the union of a sphere and a circle intersecting it in two points. For the rest of this series, see here

This is me.