Teaching & Mentorship


University of California, Merced, Departmemt of Global Arts, Media and Writing Studies

IH 220 Multilingualism and Identity in Transnational Contexts (Graduate level, Fall 2022)

WRI 100 Advanced Writing (Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023)

WRI 10 College Reading & Composition (Spring, Fall 2021, Fall 2022)

Georgetown University, Department of Linguistics

Teaching Assistant, LING 553 SLA & Bilingualism (Fall 2019)

Instructor, LING 001 Introduction to Language (Spring 2019)

Teaching Assistant, LING 251 How Languages Are Learned (Fall 2018)

Teaching Assistant, LING 001 Introduction to Language (Fall 2016)

Teaching Assistant, LING 359 How Languages Are Taught (Spring 2016)


Undergraduate Student Publication, University of California, Merced

Research paper from IH 220 Multilingualism & Identity in Transnational Contexts

Brian Fernandez: The need for Spanish communication classes in medical education (Brian received one of the two 2022-2023 Library Research Award for this paper, see here)

Research paper from WRI 100 Advanced Writing

Kimberly M. Farias: Metaphors impact on first-generation college students experiencing imposter syndrome

Research paper from WRI 10 College Reading & Composition

Maximilian Cozzi: Micro black holes: What do we know from recent research?

Anna Riley: The possibility of Universal Health Coverage in the United States