
Work in Progress

Equally Married, Equally Benefited: Same-sex Marriage, Health Insurance, Labor Market, and Social Security (Job Market Paper)

Abstract: This paper examines the impact of federal recognition of same-sex marriage (SSM) in the United States on health insurance coverage, labor market participation, and social security benefits for same-sex couples. Utilizing detailed microdata from the American Community Survey (2008-2019), I present the first comprehensive evidence on the effects of the 2013 Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Windsor, which federally recognized SSM. Findings indicate that in states where SSM was legal, federal recognition led to a 2.6% increase in health insurance enrollment, primarily driven by a 5% rise in employer-sponsored insurance (ESI). Additionally, social security incomes increased. Surprisingly, in states where SSM was not yet legal, same-sex couples experienced a 6.6% increase in health insurance coverage and a 7% increase in ESI coverage. Labor market analyses reveal that same-sex couples also increased their labor supply, evidenced by reduced unemployment rates and increased weekly working hours. Further heterogeneity tests suggest that these gains in insurance coverage were largely due to obtaining ESI through a spouse's employment. Overall, my findings underscore that federal recognition of SSM not only boosted health insurance uptake but also had spillover effects in states without legalized SSM.

Mental Health Outcome of the COVID-19 Citywide Lockdown

Abstract: This paper contributes to the growing literatures studying the mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. As one of the most effective non-pharmaceutical public health interventions (NPIs), citywide lockdown effectively helped mitigate the exponential spread of the infection. However, public health researchers have been constantly warning the governments worldwide regarding the potential deterioration of citizens’ mental health during such lockdowns. This paper offers further empirical evidence of the negative mental health impact of citywide lockdowns by studying the lockdown happened in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China during April, and May 2022. Both my baseline OLS and Double Machine Learning (DML) estimation shows that Baidu searches among locked down Shanghai residents of keywords including “depression” and “anxiety” statistically significantly increased during the citywide lockdown. Baidu searches on “suicide” shows mixed results, indicating potential heterogeneity among residents.

The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Health Insurance Coverage and Health Outcome

Abstract: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 expanded the eligibility of the Medicaid, which proves to significantly promote the insurance coverage of all Americans. This paper focuses on the dynamic effect of the change in policy using a staggered Differences-in- differences method, as well as the heterogeneous responses from groups that implemented the expansion later in time. I documented additional evidence that the ACA expansion on Medicaid eligibility improved the health insurance take-up rate by at least 6.7%, and the effects are persistent over a longer period. At the same time, later expansion states exhibited smaller improvements. However, the self-reported physical and mental health status years following the expansion has shown no significant improvement despite the widened insurance coverage.