Professional Activity

Invited Talk, Seminar in IEEE Women in Data Science, Calgary, Canada                                                                                                  March. 2023  

Invited Talk, Series Seminar in IEEE Task Force on Distribution System State Estimation Performance                                            Step. 2021

Invited Talk, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY                                                                                                                         Apr. 2020

Member in IEEE Task Force on Evaluation of Distribution System State Estimation Performance                                                 2019-Present

Presentation, 2019 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Atlanta, GA                                                                                Aug. 2019

Presentation Title: "Seeing through uncertainty: interval state estimation in distribution systems with renewable integration"

Reviewer for about 200 papers in peer-review journals/conferences (including 80 IEEE Trans. papers):                                2017-Present

                     IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 

                     IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 

                     IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 

                     IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 

                     IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing

                     IEEE Power Engineering Letters 

                     IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy  

                     International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 

                     CSEE Journal of Power Energy System

                     ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 

                     Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 

                     Sustainable Computing, Informatics and Systems 

                     IET Smart Grid 

                     IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting 

                     IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference     

                     IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition                           

Student Member, IEEE                                                                                                                                                                                      2018-2020

Member, IEEE                                                                                                                                                                                                 2020-Present

Member in IEEE Power & Energy Society Women in Power Committee                                                                                              2019-Present