
Joining Forces: The Spillover Effects of EPA Enforcement Actions and the Role of Socially Responsible Investors (with Sudipto Dasgupta and Thanh Huynh), 2023, Review of Financial Studies, 36(9): 3781-3824.

Product Market Competition and Corporate Relocations: Evidence from the Supply Chain (with Chen Chen, Sudipto Dasgupta, and Thanh Huynh), 2023, Management Science, 69(9): 5147-5173.

Panic selling when disaster strikes: Evidence from the bond and stock market (with Thanh Huynh), 2023. Management Science, 69(12): 7448-7467.

Climate Change News Risk and Corporate Bond Returns (with Thanh Huynh), 2021. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 56(6): 1985-2009.

Gauging the Effects of Stock Market Liquidity on Earnings Management: Evidence from the SEC Tick Size Pilot Test (with Dan Li), 2021. Journal of Corporate Finance

Stock Liquidity and Default Risk (with Jonathan Brogaard and Dan Li), 2017.  Journal of Financial Economics 124(3): 486-502.

Working Papers:

ESG Divergence and the Market Environment (with Gideon Saar and Zhuo Zhong) - draft available soon

Something in the Air: Does Air Pollution Affect Fund Managers’ Carbon Divestment?  (with Thanh Huynh and Frank Weikai Li) - under revision

Stock Market Liquidity and Loan Contracting (with Jonathan Brogaard and Phong Ngo)

The Price of Integrity (with Chen Chen and Bohui Zhang)

Were Stay-at-Home Orders During Covid-19 Harmful for Business? The Market’s View (with Chen Chen, Sudipto Dasgupta, and Thanh Huynh)