Ying Zhang

Assistant Professor, HKUST-GZ

Email: yingzhang (at) hkust-gz.edu.cn

Office: W1 310

I am an Assistant Professor at HKUST-GZ Fintech Thrust.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the research group led by Ariel Neufeld at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.  I completed my Ph.D. in mathematics under the supervision of Sotirios Sabanis at the Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications (MIGSAA), a Centre for Doctoral Training at Heriot-Watt University and The University of Edinburgh.

My research interest lies in the design of numerical algorithms for non-linear random systems and their real-world applications in, e.g., machine learning and finance. Typical examples include Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for high-dimensional Bayesian inference and Langevin dynamics-based algorithms for stochastic optimization problems in machine learning and finance.