Expository articles

I write reviews and expository articles of interesting papers, some of these are prepared as notes for talks given on learning seminars. 

1. Notes on Aug+, 2017. (notes on Augmentations are sheaves by Ng-Rutherford-Shende-Sivek-Zaslow)

2. Fiberwise compactifications of Lefschetz fibrations, 2018. (notes on Seidel's Fukaya A infinity structures associated to Lefschetz fibrations II1/2)

3. Notes on GPS II, 2019. (notes on Ganatra-Pardon-Shende's Sectorial descent for wrapped Fukaya categories)

4. Logarithmic PSS map, 2019. (notes on two papers by Ganatra-Pomerleano on the Log PSS map and its applications)

5. Review of "From simple-minded collections to silting objects via Koszul duality", Mathematical Research with Reviews Issue 2 (2019) Art.27.

6. Bounding Lagrangian width, 2020. (notes on Bounding Lagrangian widths via geodesic paths by Borman-McLean)

7. Wrapped microlocal sheaves on pair-of-pants, 2022. (notes on Nadler's paper on wrapped microlocal sheaves)

8. Cyclic open-closed maps, 2023. (notes on Ganatra's construction of the cyclic open-closed string map)

9. Fukaya categories in geometric representation theory, 2023. (slides of my talk at Michael Zhao Memorial Student Colloquium)