Hi! I’m Yilin Li (李奕霖), a first-year PhD student at Durham University's Department of Computer Science, where I'm fortunate enough to work under supervision of Prof. Daniel Paulusma and Dr. George Mertzios, and be supported by a EPSRC Doctoral Studentship. I'm working on a project named International Kidney Exchange, which brings together modern graph theory with theoretical computer science and economics. I'm a member of the Algorithms and Complexity research group (ACiD).
Previously, I obtained a MSc in Mathematics with the specialization Discrete Mathematics from University of Amsterdam’s Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics in August 2024, where I was fortunate enough to work on my thesis on Bipartite Induced Density in Triangle-free Graphs under the supervision of Dr. Ross Kang (UvA) and Prof. Dr. Daniel Dadush (CWI, Amsterdam and Utrecht University), and a BSc in Mathematics with Applied Mathematics from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) in July 2022.
You could find my CV here.
You could find my postgraduate courses here.
Last Modified: October 28, 2024