
Email: yilin.li.0618@gmail.com

My pronouns are he/him/his.


Hi! I’m Yilin Li (李奕霖), a first-year PhD student at Durham University's Department of Computer Science, where I'm fortunate enough to work under supervision of  Prof. Daniel Paulusma and Dr. George Mertzios, and be supported by a EPSRC Doctoral Studentship. I'm working on a project named International Kidney Exchange, which brings together modern graph theory with theoretical computer science and economics. I'm a member of the Algorithms and Complexity research group (ACiD). My research interests are algorithmic, structrual, probablistic and extremal graph theory.

Previously, I obtained a MSc in Mathematics with the specialization Discrete Mathematics from University of Amsterdam’s Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics in August 2024, where I was fortunate enough to work on my thesis on Bipartite Induced Density in Triangle-free Graphs under the supervision of Dr. Ross Kang (UvA) and Prof. Dr. Daniel Dadush (CWI, Amsterdam and Utrecht University), and a BSc in Mathematics with Applied Mathematics from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) in July 2022. 

You could find my postgraduate courses here.

Last Modified: October 28, 2024