First Love Letter is a Pahlaj Nihalani film in which Vivek Mushran and Manisha Koirala made their debut in a romance and action scenario showing that love transcends all barriers. Since Subhash Ghai was introducing the stars in Saudagar (1991 film), Pahlaj Nihalani had to wait for the release of his film, which was completed before Saudagar.

The story opens with Radha, wanting more from life than just being a rich heiress to her father Thakur Ajit Singh's, fortunes and wants to relocate from her home to the hilly locales of Palampur, where her father has a house. This is not liked by her father, but he has to relent due to the intervention of his younger brother Thakur Shrikant Singh, who has been a recluse since the murder of his lady love Kasturi.

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In the hilly locales, Radha is mesmerized one day to the melodies of a flute, which she follows and meets Shyam, who also saves her life when she is about to fall in the deep gorges of the valleys. They meet again and slowly develop a bond of inseparable love, both being drawn to each other's youth and simplicity. Radha does not disclose her true identity, at first and when Shyam learns that she is the daughter of Thakur Ajit Singh, he feels cheated as he considers him to be a tyrant landlord. To top it, Thakur Ajit Singh also dislikes this growing intimacy between a local milk-seller, which is the profession of Shyam and his only daughter. So he fixes the marriage of his daughter to Thakur Ambar Singh.

Meanwhile, Radha is attacked by seasoned killer Bheema, who wants to molest her, but is timely saved by Thakur Ambar Singh, who also now falls in love with her. His mother, Uma Devi, makes him all the more happy when she tells him that Radha was the same girl that she has fixed his marriage with. This alliance when revealed to Radha by her father and mother, is rejected by her, but she is forcibly married to Thakur Ambar Singh. Radha on her part, leaves the marriage ceremony and tells Thakur Ambar Singh that she loved Shyam and had secretly married him.

Thakur Ajit Singh now gets Shyam embroiled in a false police case and gets him imprisoned from where he jail breaks with none other than the killer Bheema. Bheema is hired as a contract killer by Thakur Ajit Singh to kill Shyam. What follows is a bloody encounter with Thakur Ambar Singh, Bheema, Radha and Shyam, where like a true Rajput, Thakur Ambar Singh wants to leave Radha for Shyam, seeing their love, and is horribly wounded in the prospect. The end sees Thakur Ajit Singh realizing his mistake of separating the true lovers and unites them in matrimony.

Even though you may or may not read this, I have to admit that you were the first one to make me see life in different shapes and colors. You made life so full of excitement and passion that I felt exhausted but could not stop.

Looking back, I now laugh about how jealous I would get and how I would deal with my jealousy. It was only because I feared losing you, and no matter how much you told me you loved me, I was always a bit insecure. I know you felt similarly. Even though we were always ourselves in our relationship, we never got too comfortable.

This is why, my first love, it is so difficult not to glimpse back and open the vault of memories, to remember the butterflies in my stomach each time I saw you and feel a little out of breath after each magical kiss.

Our whole relationship was magical, come to think of it; it was strong and powerful, but then, it was gone. Sometimes, I even wonder if it ever even happened because it ended so abruptly and without closure. I guess this is why you are my first love. The wound is still fresh, even after so many years, and all I feel for you is love.

However, it fills me with happiness to know that you are happy and sharing your love and passion with some other girl who loves you, too. Even though I was very selfish and jealous when it came to our love, I cannot be selfish with you.

You left me with the ability to love and to cherish, to never give up on something that matters, to never give up on love. I just wish you had not left me with a broken heart and many nights of crying myself to sleep.

I'm reminiscing about the way I fell in love with you. We were friends for a few months before we started really being together. I loved getting to know you. Everything you told me was so interesting and I found myself endlessly wanting to know more. I loved our playful flirting, it was so much fun. We transitioned so seamlessly from strangers to acquaintances to friends and to lovers. We didn't have any awkward 'what are we' conversations. We didn't have to talk about being exclusive because we just knew. From the moment I became aware of your existence I couldn't stop thinking about you, I couldn't help feeling this connection. This feeling that I know you from somewhere. You intrigued me. I never believed in soulmates or any of that bullshit until you came along. And you're gone now but I still feel it. Do you? I feel like no matter how far apart we are, no matter where we are in life we will always somehow be connected. When we first started really being together a few months in, you started telling me you were falling in love with me. No one had ever said that to me before. No one had ever loved me before. I was shocked, I didn't know how to react. I didn't know if I loved you because I didn't know what it was like to be in love. I thought I knew, but boy was I wrong. It crept up on me slowly and then hit me all at once. It reminds me of when I used to go to the beach as a child - standing knee deep in the water. Everything was calm, comfortable. I turned to look back over my shoulder at the sand and suddenly I was thrust underwater by a gigantic wave, blinded by a mess of sandy bubbles. When I looked back on how far you and I had come, I suddenly realised I loved you. And it was not something I could explain, it was not a single feeling I could name. I just knew. And I knew it had been you all along. I looked at you and I knew I would never love anyone the way I loved you, I had never been so sure of anything in my life. If all the world fell to pieces and my life crumbled around us the only thing I knew for certain was that I loved you. It took me six months to admit that I loved you. I think I loved you all along but I was afraid, I was uncertain. I realised that with you, love was anything and everything. It was staying up all night talking about random shit. It was sitting in comfortable silences. It was laughing so hard we couldn't breathe and until you got a headache. It was all the little inside jokes and the memories we'd made. It was supporting one another no matter what. It was being a team, if one of us was feeling shitty then the other picked up the slack. After a while, I didn't have to consciously think about you because you were a part of me. Everything I did included you. I couldn't do a single thing without thinking about the way you'd react. I would laugh at jokes and events and mentally note them to tell you later if they were interesting or funny. In movies, love is flawless. I loved you more than anything but I wasn't blinded by my love. I knew you could be stubborn as fuck. You loved to be right and you could get argumentative if I challenged you. You've got a bit of an ego and sometimes it got in the way. But it was good, we grew from it. And even when you annoyed the crap out of me, all I had to do was look at your face and I was overwhelmed with love. Our love was real. We could get on each other's nerves and neither of us were perfect but ultimately we loved each other more than anything. We were seperate people but we fit together like one. You were my best friend. And I was yours. I miss that. I miss how close we used to be. I haven't spoken to you in so long. But I will never forget the way I loved you. I wish things turned out different for us. I think, after 8 months, only now am I starting to really move on. You came in and you have made yourself a home in my heart and no one can or will ever replace you. I think I will always love you and care for you in some way, maybe not in a romantic sense but in the way I love my family and my close friends. You were such a big part of my life for so long. I will always look back on the memories we made and the years we spent together and I will cherish them forever. You taught me so much about life and love, and I will be forever grateful to you for that. I hope you are taking care of yourself and doing all those things you wanted to do. I hope you are becoming the best version of yourself that you always wanted to be. And if you ever feel alone I hope you know that I am out there somewhere and I carry you with me in my heart. I believe in you and I will always be proud of you for everything you have achieved and will achieve in your life. So go easy, step lightly, stay free.

For me, you were so many of my firsts. You were all of my first dates, all of my first good ideas, the first boy my family actually liked, the first guy I actually showed my whole heart to, the first guy I got to spoil rotten, my first love, and my first true heartbreak.

Before you, love was just a concept of something I knew I could feel. I didn't know what it meant, I didn't know how it felt, and I didn't know how long it would take to feel. I waited so long to let someone come close to my heart, but with you, I just thought my heart would be safe. It took me 18 years to know what love could do in my life and how it would make me feel. It didn't take me until after we were apart to realize that I loved you. It didn't take me until we were apart to realize that I do love you, and I will always love you. 

Before we were together, you were my best friend. You were someone I wanted to come to first with any good or bad news, someone I could always count on to support me. You were the person I looked forward to seeing at school and hanging out with during lunch and free periods. You were the person I would go to for help with any and all of my problems. You were someone who would hold me when I cried and someone who would be rooting me on from the sidelines. When I saw you, my heart would always jump for joy, and while our circumstances for getting together were absolutely horrible, I think we made the best of it. I wanted to be that person for you. be457b7860

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