In the following, I briefly discuss a little bit of the physics content that I found interesting. They include but are not limited to the research I am working on. (Those marked "*" are the topics I am working on. Those marked "~" are the topics I found very interesting and am studying and would like to work on. Those marked "^" are the general topics that I think everyone should know)

As many would know, nowadays, theoretical high energy physics research is no longer a solely independent subject. There are many interactions between subfields. For example, hep and math, hep and cmt, hep and cs, hep and optics, etc.  I am also expecting all these interdisciplinary topics can give me more insights into the world we live in.  Even inside the high energy physics community, there can be very intriguing ideas from other sub-sub-fields. This is one of the reasons that the topics listed below are pretty diverse.

String Theory^

Conformal Field Theory^

Scattering Amplitudes^

Traversable Wormhole*

This construction of traversable wormhole is introduced by Gao-Jafferies-Wall. 

Holographic Complexity*

There are several conjectures so far that can be used to compute the holographic complexity.  Complexity=Volume,   Complexity=Action,   Complexity=Volume(version 2),   and a more generalized Complexity=(almost)Anything.

Quantum Chaos and Complexity in optical systems and condensed matter systems*

Braneworld and holography*~

Von Neumann Algebra~

Gravitational path integral~

Swampland and Holography~