Yiannis Fam

I am currently an MPhil (research masters) student at the University of Melbourne. My supervisors are Alex Ghitza and Chenyan Wu.

I was initially supported by the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship, and now by the Robert George Williams Scholarship awarded by the University of Melbourne.

Previously, I was an undergraduate at the University of Cambridge where I achieved a Distinction in Part III. My Part III essay was on 'Two-Descent on the Jacobian of a Hyperelliptic Curve', under the supervision of Tom Fisher, and can be found under 'Research'.

A copy of my CV can be found here

Research Interests

My interests are in number theory, in particular the study of elliptic curves, modular forms, Galois representations and singular moduli.

I am currently studying modular forms (mod p) and their associated systems of Hecke eigenvalues, following a letter of Serre relating these to Hecke eigenvalues coming from some quaternion construction. An English translation of this letter can be found on Alex's website.

Contact Information

Address: School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC 3010, Australia.

Email:         yfam "at" student "dot" unimelb "dot" edu "dot" au