Yorkshire & The Humber pro-European Network

What is this website?

This site is one of a set of sites intended to cover the whole of the UK (index page) to help you find and work with the relevant pro-Europe groups in your area. So it is part of UKPEN.eu. You can navigate to your area using the drop-down menus at the top right (PC) or top left (mobile devices). Please send any comments or requests for editing permissions to yhproeurnet at gmail.com.
UKPEN paused developing these sites in 2018, as other priorities emerged.

The Pro-European Yorkshire and the Humber Toolbox (YOHPET) has yet to be established but preliminary ideas for content are being assembled, including for a campaigning events calendar.

What is it for?

The idea behind this work is that we need to see who we are, where we are and who our neighbours are. This is essential to plug the gaps in our network and to be ready for any new chance to vote. The constituency pages (there's a provisional example of a relatively well filled out constituency page here, Aberconwy (example in Yorks and H to follow)) are supposed to help everyone get to grips with

  1. the important task of corresponding with MPs to make our wishes and feelings known. You can get help doing this either through the national campaigns Represent Us, and Best for Britain, or by plugging in to their targeted operations in particular constituencies, and throughout constituencies in this part of the UK.

  2. developing maps right down to ward level to help activists cover their streets with leaflets and door to door conversations, and to keep a log of where they have been and where they have not been, whichever organisation or group they are working for. These resources can be held off this site, but the more linked up they are here, the more they can be shared across different groups working in the same area. Examples of recent UKPEN map work in the UK are for example in Brighton, Bromley and Barnsley

How do I use it?

To find what constituency you live in use this tool: https://mapit.mysociety.org/. The constituency index page lists the constituencies alphabetically and by area. It can be used to navigate through to area and individual constituency pages. There are also links to lists on spreadsheets which can be used to help divide up the task of posting messages and news on all the Facebook groups throughout the region. Join your constituency group and start work for Europe! Join your national or area group to take part in events and discussions. The main national or area groups in Yorkshire and the Humber region are listed below, for more local groups follow the links to sub-pages.

  • Best for Britain (all regional facebook groups see here)

To get alerts on your MP's activity in Westminster use "They work for you" https://www.theyworkforyou.com/alert/

UKPEN Mapping project Google maps are to be found on the pages for East Yorkshire plus, Wakefield, Barnsley, and Leeds

To see the coverage of all the maps in this region see SW Yorks-produced map here, and to download here in Word.

Note one area of overlap and one of underlap.

In Yorkshire and the Humber there are :

One county, six unitary authorities, two metropolitan counties and 54 constituencies.

Best for Britain divides the region into two. The Best for Britain regions can be seen on this map. Here the region is covered in four areas as follows:

Four unitary authorities

Area groups:

European Movement : Hull and East Yorkshire for Europe.

NE Lincs European Movement

One County and one unitary authority

Area groups:

North Yorkshire for Europe

York for Europe https://www.facebook.com/york.europe/

Metropolitan County with four districts: Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield

Area groups:

Leeds for Europe: http://www.leedsforeurope.org/; https://www.facebook.com/groups/1781366648785586/; @LeedsEurope

Bradford for Europe: https://www.facebook.com/bradfordforeurope/

Kirklees for Europe

Twitter @ForKirklees

People's Vote South West Yorkshire: peoplesvoteswy.org

Metropolitan county with four districts: Barnsley, Sheffield, Rotherham and Doncaster

Area groups:

Best for Doncaster: https://bestfordoncaster.uk/

People's Vote South West Yorkshire: peoplesvoteswy.org

Sheffield for Europe:

Sheffield Youth for Europe : https://www.facebook.com/groups/582036491963423/

The Sheffield 48% (Community page): https://www.facebook.com/Sheffield48

For the region as a whole there is a discussion group here


that sprang up from the index group here: