DIY Tutorial

Don't want to make your own? Consider purchasing a pre-made fundraising kit instead! Funds from every sale will be donated to an organization fighting social injustice

Before You Start

This tutorial will show you how to create both the YHD Pocket Protest Shield, and the Basic Edition, which can be used for everyday wear in less than 5 mins!. To get started you will need:

  • Transparent plastic film (firm) usually made out of pvc, acetate or mylar.

      • You may be able to find individual sheets of this at a craft store but they usually are sold in packages.

      • Fellows is a reputable brand of "binding covers"

      • Your film sheet should be 8.5x11 but could be larger for a bigger shield.

      • Film sheet should be between 4 mil (easier to manipulate and lighter) and 8mil (more durable)

  • You will need a 1/4" hole punch

      • can usually be found at a dollar, craft, or office supply store.

  • If making several, consider getting a bone tool

  • If you are making the protest version of the shield, we recommend stickers: inexpensive and easy to find

      • Sharpies, cut strips of duct tape, adhesive jewels, paint, etc also work well. Experiment with your materials!

      • Stay away from human skin tone colored materials.

      • pick materials that create lots of contrast

Pocket Protest Shield with Anti-surveillance stickers

Basic Edition for everyday use

Make an Awesome Design and Want to share it with me?

I would love to see and possibly feature what interesting designs and materials you have used to make your own face shield. Send me a selfie or picture of your final design to with the subject line: YHB SHIELD DESIGN

Maintenance and Tips

Sanitize After Each Use

  • Your Shield is a physical barrier that protect you from droplets but also means that potential covid droplets land on your shield and stay there (this is true for masks too), meaning:

      • Try not to touch the front of your shield,

      • Wash your hands regularly.

      • Sanitize after each use

  • Sanitize OFTEN

      • dish or hand soap and hot water is fine

      • try to use a soft sponge to reduce possible scratching on the shield's surface

For Glasses Users (PREFERRED)

There are several advantages to using glasses, even if you don't require them by prescription:

  • The glasses method is more comfortable because only the edges of the shield touch your face, where as with the elastic, a good portion touches your face

  • The glasses method is more secure and less likely to be blown off your head due to wind because of the weight of the glasses.

So, if you don't normally wear glasses, consider getting a fake pair, or use a pair of sunglasses you already own. Go for something that fits well.

Tips for glasses:

  • If your glasses normally fall down on your face, it is because your glasses don't fit well, meaning that adding the shield will have the same problems. Consider using corrective measures such as nose pads, retainer grips, or straps

  • Remember to clean both your shield and your glasses regularly for the clearest viewing experience.

  • While wearing, instead of touching the front of your shield to adjust your glasses, consider adjusting your glasses by pulling back on the arms by your ears.

Installing shield on glasses by pushing the arms through the holes in the shield.
Testing shield on 195 overpass/bridge off Wickenden St. in Providence, RI

Nose Breathing: The Best Anti-Fog Technique.

The YHB Pocket Protest Shield does a good job of resisting fog due to its open air design in both indoor and outdoor situations, however in some situations, such as extreme humidity, the condensation from your breath may cause enough condensation to fog up your shield. One of the best ways to reduce this from happening is to breathe in and out through your nose, you will expel less condensation than breathing out your mouth and most of it will be directed downward. This may fog up a portion of the mouth area, but you will still be able to see clearly. For specific examples of when fog might become an issue, see below.

When You Might NOT Want to Wear a Shield

Shields have a lot of advantages, but there are some scenarios in which a shield may not be your best option. Here are some of those times:

  • After a huge rain storm or anytime the humidity is very high.

    • Condensation is a thing, and while this design usually allows for enough breeze where fogging isn't a problem, in extreme humidity conditions, the shield can fog up. One thing you can do is push the shield as far out on your glasses so that it is further away from your face, which may help.

  • During exercise.

    • If you are jogging, playing sports, or even lifting weights, your body is producing considerable heat, which may produce condensation. You may also be breathing heavily which can lead to fogging.

    • That being said, I have gone on 1 hour walks and have marched/attended protests for several hours wearing the shield and haven't had an issue. While some condensation may appear in the mouth area, making it harder to read my lips, my vision was never compromised.

  • In high density areas (conditional)

    • In areas like grocery stores, post offices, etc, you may want to consider wearing a mask with your shield, or just a mask, for a few reasons:

        • Shields look odd to other people. They may feel uncomfortable and question if you are "following the rules" because they are unfamiliar with shields as a whole. Wearing a mask may preemptively address these concerns.

        • Wearing both will only provide you with more personal protection in high risk areas. while wearing the mask protects others, it is well documented that masks offer little protection to the actual users. Wearing a shield with your mask ensures that you are protecting others in a socially acceptable method via a mask, but also provides you considerably more personal protection via the shield

        • regardless of what you decided to use, know that wearing a shield will bring attention to you. Though it is unlikely anyone will approach you, you will get stares which can be uncomfortable. Remember, you have a right to protect yourself and shields help you to that and protect others too, so pay the haters no mind đŸ˜‰