Subscription and attending

JOE2 Abstract form.docx
JOE2 Paper Template.docx

Registration fee :

▪️ Oral/poster communication : 500 DH 50 €

▪️ Two (Oral/poster) communications : 750 DH 75 €

▪️ Publication of one paper : 1 000 DH 100 €

▪️ Publication of two papers : 2 000 DH 200 €

▪️ Communication + paper publication : 1 250 DH 125 €

Link to participate :

Participation fees must be sent directly to the account of the YES GREEN MAROC Association, at the following RIB number:

230 570 918 373 722 101 62 009 7

(Swift code: CIHMMAMC). Domiciled at the bank "CIH", Bvd Ennakhil, Quartier Al Qods, Lot 7, 60,000, Oujda, Morocco

*NOTE : Registration fees cover expenses related to papers publication & preparations for upcoming JOE events


Email :

GSM1 : 0651-08-06-39 GSM2 : 0630-44-13-07

Ad : Espace de formation et d’animation du Tissu Associatif de l’Oriental, BP 119, Oujda.