Joint support statement:

Maximize affordable housing for King county via the lodging tax

Affordable housing is King County’s most pressing need. Right now, King County Councilmembers can vote to increase affordable housing with revenue from the Lodging Tax. They can and should invest the most they can to build new affordable homes for King County residents, to begin to close our community's affordable housing gap of 157,000 homes now, and 244,000 homes by 2040. We call on Executive Constantine and all members of the King County Council to amend the current proposal (to invest only the minimum in affordable housing), and instead to maximize public dollars for this most pressing community need.

Join us as part of #TeamHousing today! If you agree with our Joint Statement (see PDF below), please make your support public. Organizational co-signers will be listed (please send logo separately). Please follow the instructions in the google form to indicate that you are authorized to sign on on behalf of your organization. Individual supporters are welcome - you will not be listed by name, but we invite you to contact your Councilmember and Executive Constantine, and to join us at an upcoming public meeting. Note: This issue is moving quickly! A vote could come as early as the end of August.

2018 0813 AlliesStatementonLodgingTax FINAL Updated logos 8 20.pdf

Continue to take action and encourage others to join you!

  1. Send a personalized email to your King County Councilmember and Executive Constantine using this email template. Make sure to add a personalized note!
  2. Take a selfie with an advocacy sign signaling your support for affordable housing and tweet it to your King County Councilmember or share it with them on Facebook
  3. Print our advocacy postcard template and encourage others to speak up by filling out their information and writing a personalized message to their councilmember. (Council district information:
  4. Share the joint statement with people you know and urge them to sign on as individuals and as organizations.
  5. Mark your calendars for the Wednesday, August 29 council meeting at 9:30am (specific to the lodging tax), and/or the Monday, August 27 council meeting at 1:30pm (a full council meeting, and another opportunity to speak up). If you hope to provide public comment, feel free to let us know by replying to this email, and plan to show up early.
2018 0814 lodging tax maximize advocacy sign.pdf

Click above for a printable sign!

2018 0813 advocacy postcard King County lodging tax.pdf

Click above for advocacy postcard PDF!