Yes on Measure X!

Vote Yes on Measure X to provide quality higher education to prepare Gavilan students for transfer to four-year universities and future careers!

To provide local access to high-quality education for Gavilan students, Measure X will:

  • Repair or replace leaky roofs, old rusty plumbing, and faulty electrical systems where needed
  • Upgrade and add classrooms, labs and career training facilities for science, math, engineering, and technology
  • Upgrade and add classrooms and labs to help local students complete the first two years of college affordably, and transfer to the Cal-State or UC systems
  • Expand the Veterans’ Center to provide job training, job placement, counseling and support services to military veterans and their families
  • Improve access for students with disabilities
  • Improve student safety and campus security systems including security lighting , security cameras, emergency communications systems, smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinklers
  • Add a campus in San Benito County, and labs and classrooms at the Coyote Valley Center, to offer a much larger selection of classes, certificated programs and degrees
  • Renovate the aging College library to meet modern standards for technology and research

All funds from the measure go to Gavilan Joint Community College District – not a penny can be taken away by the State.

Yes for Gavilan College is a grassroots campaign of community volunteers coming together to the Gavilan College Bond. Your help is essential in guaranteeing critical, local funding for Gavilan Joint Community College District.

Get involved by signing up to help spread the word about the Measure, or donate to support our grassroots, volunteer-led campaign.

Paid for by Yes for Gavilan College , Yes on Measure X , FPPC # 1408392. Committee major funding from

Associated Students of Gavilan College (ASGC)