Support the Kyiv Botanical Garden!

The history of this initiative began during a difficult time when Kyiv had no electricity, and heat-loving plants were dying from the cold. Heating the greenhouses with firewood was difficult and expensive, and it could not provide the necessary temperature. The resilience of the plants in the greenhouse, like the resilience of Ukrainians, flows through their veins and is nourished by the earth.


The Botanical Garden is a true oasis of nature and tranquillity in the heart of the city. It holds immense value for the residents of Kyiv, especially during periods of military conflict, when everyone needs a place to rest their soul and find solace in nature.


Our family in London, also going through a difficult time of endless travels searching for housing in London. At the first opportunity, I went to Ukraine. The botanical garden welcomed me warmly, but the plants in the greenhouse were tired and had yellowed leaves in a sad state.


My works presented here are photographs of plants in the botanical garden, in the greenhouse, processed with silver and bronze. Each photograph is made in a special way and has its unique value and meaning.


By outlining the leaves with silver or copper, I highlighted their value among other elements of the picture, demonstrating the worth of each leaf and each Ukrainian. Silver symbolizes the blood flowing through the veins of both leaves and Ukrainians. Plants, animals, and humans - we all live on the same earth, breathe the same air, and drink the same water. Each of us has "silver blood" flowing through us, which everyone who tries to drink it trembles with.