7 - 17 December 2020

Welcome to the Yerbury Winter Extravaganza - a series of virtual and socially-distanced festivities for the Yerbury community to gather, have fun, create, get fit and raise important funds for the school

Please browse the calendar below and sign up now to join live Zoom events, download stories, purchase baking and craft kits, get your raffle tickets and much more! Please note that advance sign-up is required for some activities, as indicated on each page.

Prices have been kept as reasonable as possible to ensure the winter extravaganza is inclusive - some events are free and others have a sliding scale so you can pay what you can. If you would like to donate a little more, please feel free to do so here: virginmoneygiving.com/fund/yerburywinterextravaganza2020

Thank you for joining us!

If you have any questions about any of the winter extravaganza activities, please email yerburypta@gmail.com.

12 days of Christmas illustrations by Julia Anderheim, Trevor Mill, Pamela Read, Henry & Leonie Villiers, Rupert Sanderson and Liz Morrish

Some highlights from the 12 Days of Christmas: