

1. Y. Kim, Ulrich bundles on rational surfaces with an anticanonical pencil, Manuscripta Math. 150 (2016), 99-110 (journal)

2. Y. Kim, Ulrich bundles on blowing ups, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 354 (2016), 1215-1218 (journal)

3. M. Aprodu and Y. Kim, Ulrich line bundles on Enriques surfaces with a polarization of degree four,  Ann. Univ. Ferrara 63 (2017), 9-23, volume dedicated to the memory of A. Lascu (journal)

4. G. Casnati and Y. Kim, Ulrich bundles on blowing up (and an erratum), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 355 (2017), 1291-1297 (journal)

5. Y. Cho, Y. Kim, and K.-S. Lee, Ulrich bundles on intersections of two 4-dimensional quadrics, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN vol. 2021, (2021), 17277-17303  (journal) (additional note with Macaulay2 scripts)

6. M. Aprodu and Y. Kim, On the Borisov-Nuer conjecture and the image of the Enriques-to-K3 map, Math. Nachr. (2020) (journal)

7. Y. Kim and F.-O. Schreyer, An explicit matrix factorization of cubic hypersurfaces of small dimension,  J. Pure Appl. Algebra 224 (2020), 106346 (journal) (additional note with Macaulay2 scripts)

8. Y. Kim, Cubic forms having matrix factorizations by Hessian matrices, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 2799-2809 (journal)

9. D. Faenzi and Y. Kim, Ulrich bundles on cubic fourfolds, Comm. Math. Helv. 97 (2022), 691-728 (journal)

10. Y. Kim, Remarks on Ulrich bundles of small ranks over quartic fourfolds, J. Korean Math. Soc. 61 (2024), 279-291 (journal) (Macaulay2 script)

11. Y. Kim, Ulrich bundles on special cubic fourfolds of small discriminants, preprint, in preparation (Macaulay2 script)

12. J.-H. Ju, T. Kim, and Y. Kim, A new formula of the determinant tensor with symmetries, preprint, available at: arXiv:2303.07845

13. T. Kim, J.-H. Ju, and Y. Kim, Finding tensor decompositions with sparse optimization, preprint, available at: arXiv:2305.13964

14. J. Jung, J. Kim, M. Kim, and Y. Kim, An Eisenbud-Goto type inequality for Stanley-Reisner ideals and simplicial complexes, preprint, available at: arXiv:2308.03338

15. Y. Kim, H. Moon, and E. Park, Some remarks on the K_p,1 theorem, Math. Nachr. (2024) (journal)

16. Y. Kim, A structure theorem for syzygies of del Pezzo varieties, preprint (Macaluay2 script)

17. J.-H. Ju, J. I. Han,  and Y. Kim, Recursive Koszul flattenings of determinant and permanent tensors, preprint

18. J.-H. Ju, T. Kim, Y. Kim, and H. Choi, Geometric mean for T-positive definite tensors and associated Riemannian geometry, preprint, available at: arXiv:2404.00255

19. M. Aprodu, Y. Kim, Resonance, syzygies, and rank-3 Ulrich bundles on del Pezzo threefold V_5, preprint, available at: arXiv:2404.12051