Unlike the previous 1974 State Flag Law, the 2010 Union Flag Law includes the definition of the flag. The current flag is a horizontal tricolour flag of yellow, green, and red charged with a five-pointed white star in the centre of the field. The background is a yellow, green, and red tricolor, meant to honour the tricolours used during the independence struggle. The yellow represents unity, conformity, wisdom, happiness, and unity of all national races amicably. The green symbolises fertility, conformity,fairness, and being a peaceful, pleasant, and green nation. The red represents bravery and decisiveness. The white star stands for purity, honesty,fullness of compassion, and power.[1][5]

In these tricolours, the color yellow symbolizes the Sasana (Buddhism) and education, green represents staple grains, crops, minerals and jewelry, red signifies bravery or courage, and the peacock represents the Konbaung.[19] The hammer and sickle represent workers and peasants, respectively.

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A new design for the national flag was proposed on 10 November 2006 during a constitutional convention. The new flag would have consisted of three equally sized green, yellow, and red horizontal stripes, with a white star in the hoist end of the green stripe.[25]

In September 2007, another new design was proposed with a larger white star in the middle and with the stripes in a different order, namely: yellow, green, and red.[25] The proposal was a version of Burmese Tricolour with the white star.

We used an extra purple cup to ladle the yellow and grey, cloudy wine from the pot. I took a deep gulp of it. Light carbonation, a sweet then sour tang, and a powerful yeast flavor punched me in the mouth. It held the same temperature as the outdoors, like warm bath water. I gasped, slightly surprised. Aye-Kay laughed.

The yellow-breasted bunting (Emberiza aureola) is an Eurasian passerine bird in the bunting family (Emberizidae). The genus name Emberiza is from Old German Embritz, a bunting. The specific aureola is Latin for "golden". The birds presents in the home is thought to be linked to "happiness". The bird also has a call that's a distinctive zick, and the song is a clear tru-tru, tri-tri.

Myanmar Yellow Maize packs a good amount of insoluble fibre, ultimately adding volume and bulk to your stool. This can help promote digestive regularity, potentially alleviating constipation. In addition, the staple food also contains some soluble fibre, which dissolves in water and, in turn, helps firm up the stool and ease diarrhoea. So, adding this yellow maize to your diet can soothe your stomach issues.

Myanmar Yellow Maize is rich in B vitamins and potassium. While potassium support healthy blood pressure, heart problems, muscle contractions, muscle cramps, and helps maintains muscle mass. This yellow corn also supplies more vitamin A compared to other grains. In turn, it protects against cognitive decline and supports the immune system.

When it comes to cooking, the Myanmar Yellow Maize is versatile and can be prepared in countless way. You can enjoy its full benefits by getting in touch with trusted Myanmar Yellow Maize exporters. Sun Impex is a credible supplier of yellow maize from Myanmar origin. They are particular of the products they export and ensure that only the best quality products get imported.

Shan htamin chin, a yellow rice dish (also with the same soup) included two small formed cakes of rice topped with the same tomato sauce as the noodle soup as well as fresh coriander and fried garlic. Alongside, the same bowl of pickles were present for me to swallow all at once because pickles are the best and if you disagree then what's wrong with you. The rice was also presented alongside a bowl of raw garlic cloves and garlic shoots, the latter an ingredient with which I was previously unfamiliar.

 The Simpsons Movie - This movie was banned in Burma mostly because most of the characters have yellow skin, with yellow and red being the colors of the main political opposition party, the National League for Democracy, as well as the skin being perceived as a stereotype of Asians having bright yellow skin.

Yellow fever vaccination certificate required for travellers aged 1 year or over arriving from a country with risk of yellow fever transmission and for travellers having transited for more than 12 hours through an airport of a country with risk of yellow fever transmission.

Coelogyne magnifica (Orchidaceae), a new species from Putao, Kachin State, Myanmar, is described and illustrated. It belongs to Coelogyne section Ocellatae Pfitzer & Kraenzl. and it is morphologically similar to Coelogyne corymbosa and C. taronensis, but can be distinguished from these species by its larger flowers, lanceolate sepals and petals, a narrowly ovate lip, which has two bright yellow patches surrounded by shiny brownish red and two fimbriate or erose-lacerate lateral keels on the lip. The major differences between these species are outlined and discussed.

The flag of Myanmar features four colors: yellow, green, red and white. The flag features tricolor bands of equal sizes. The upper band is yellow, the middle band is green, and the lower band is red. Centered over the tricolor bands is a white, five-pointed star. This flag design was adopted in 2010 and is significantly different from versions used before.

 This recipe tastes fairly authentic, but for the real deal you get around Myanmar SKIP the soy sauce and just use a few pinches of salt instead. The soy sauce needlessly darkens the iconic yellow color of the broth imparted from the turmeric. My Burmese wife and mother in law who lived in Yangon for 50 years said it looks more like Mohinga (a dark fish soup also served for breakfast in Myanmar).

The harsh, dry forests of Myanmar are surprisingly home to the rarest and what many consider the most beautiful of all star tortoises. Named after the distinctive yellow radiating patterns on its black, domed shell, the Burmese star tortoise (Geochelone platynota) consumes a variety of grasses and leaves, helping its arid ecosystem bloom.

The Indian star tortoise is a close cousin to the Burmese. They can be easily distinguished as Burmese star tortoises have yellow heads and legs with some darker patches of color, while Indian stars tend to be more spotted-looking.

Thanaka, Myanmar: If you ever been to Burma, you will soon cross with pretty much any woman whose face is covered with a traditionally made white powder known as Thanaka / Tanaka powder. Many locals believe it as a sun protection or a beauty make up that is a mix-up of a creamy white goldfish natural paste. Burmese not only regard Thanaka powder as a method for their beauty but also a natural remedy for keeping their skin soft and durable under the tropical sun. If there is one thing that makes you instantly recognize Myanmar, it is undoubtedly the thanaka, a kind of make-up worn by the women and children of Burma since 2000 years ago which makes it somehow Thanaka Myanmar become a symbol of the nation. One of the many surprises that every traveler encounters during their holiday in Myanmar is to verify that all the women have their faces covered with a yellowish paste, name Thanaka Myanmar. Burmese have been using this natural product for more than a thousand years and it is not surprising that the tradition continues since the science-proven benefits of this remedy are countless.

Burmese make Thanaka powder from obtaining the bark of the jasmine orange tree (Limonia acidissima), another exotic tree from Southeast Asia, the Thanaka is best made of trees that are at least 35 years old, although with specimens of more than two years old, it can already be make the Thanaka. Mixing this product with water is how the yellowish powder is obtained; So simple, healthy, economical, natural and effective that it is not surprising when all women and children in Myanmar make use of Thanaka powder as well as many men and it also smells great with touches similar to sandalwood. Seeing all these it is not surprising that it is considered as one of the healthiest and most beneficial natural cosmetics that exist.

Despite the fact that Burmese have been isolated from the world for so long that resulted a poor subsistence agrarian economy, they have known how to use the knowledge of the nature and the environment to create this natural remedy and the cosmetic and have it preserved over the years so that Westerners arrived in the 21st century to marvel at a remedy of Thanaka myanmar so effective, natural, sustainable and cheap that it makes us doubt the ingredients, research methods and manufacturing of our western beauty products. Burmese women apply the artistic sense to the product, making geometric and floral shapes with the paste to decorate their cheeks. These designs and the perpetual smile of the Burmese will be the face we put on Myanmar every time we remember this joyous country.

Thanaka first was mentioned by King Razadarit of Burma dating back to early 14th century and also, later have been recognized as a beauty secret of Burmese by the holy monk named poet Shin Maharatthasara. As you know, Myanmar Thanaka has been used by the people of Burma since centuries makes it one of the most famous and longing form of beauty treatments using natural ingredients called Thanaka. Locals use Thanaka, which is a light yellow cosmetic paste that is usually applied to the face and body of most Burmese people. It is used by both men and women of all ages, including children. The thanaka Myanmar is obtained by grinding the bark of the thanaka tree with a little water. It is ground into a circular stone called a kyauk pin that has a channel around it that serves to drain the water. The thanaka tree grows abundantly throughout central Burma. In its solid state, the wood of this tree is sold in logs, never in the form of paste or powder. 2351a5e196

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