The objective of this track is to promote cutting-edge research in real-time systems, especially new and emerging topics. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: operating systems, networks, middleware, compilers, tools, scheduling, QoS support, resource management, testing and debugging, design and verification, modeling, WCET analysis, performance analysis, fault tolerance, security, and system experimentation and deployment experiences.

This track aims to highlight novel research pertaining to designs, implementations and applications that attend to some aspect of real-time requirements. Continuing with the success in previous years, the track will particularly focus on four specialized areas:

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CPS applications (such as transportation, healthcare, industrial control, etc.) interact with the physical world. Hence, they do possess real-time requirements. Papers that identify scientific foundations and technologies that advance the state-of-the-art for CPS are welcome. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) foundations of CPS, design methods, simulation/emulation for CPS, tool chains, CPS architectures, security and privacy, hardware/software compositions that include physical components, performance analysis, robustness and safety, and analysis techniques and tools especially those with multiple temporal and spatial scales.

This area focuses on design methodologies and tools for hardware/software integration and co-design of modern embedded systems for real-time applications. Topics include (but are not limited to) architecture description languages and tools, hardware architectures, design space exploration, synthesis and optimization. Of special interest are SoC design for real-time applications, special-purpose functional units, specialized memory structures, multi-core chips and communication aspects, FPGA simulation and prototyping, software simulation and compilation for novel architectures and applications, as well as power, thermal, timing and predictability analyses.

Grand challenges in IoT include extremely constrained resources (energy supply, storage and computational power) in IoT devices, unprecedented scalability requirements as well as uncertain dynamics in their operating environments. Submissions that build on solid theoretical foundations, present empirical development, and experimental evaluations for empowering IoT applications with real-time requirements are welcome.

The Flexotask system claims to enable implementation of both real-time applications and real-time schedulers in a Java Virtual Machine using an actors-like model. The PTIDES model is an actors-like model that claims to deliver precise control over end-to-end latencies in a complex real-time system. The present work jointly investigates both claims by (1) implementing several PTIDES-based schedulers as Flexotask scheduler plugins, and (2) using the resulting system to implement a new reactive control program for a simulation of the JAviator (previously used to evaluate Exotasks, a precursor to Flexotask). We present results from the realistic JAviator control application and also from synthetic benchmarks designed to shed light on the differences between the several PTIDES schedulers we implemented.

Real-time computing (RTC) is the computer science term for hardware and software systems subject to a "real-time constraint", for example from event to system response.[1] Real-time programs must guarantee response within specified time constraints, often referred to as "deadlines".[2]

Real-time responses are often understood to be in the order of milliseconds, and sometimes microseconds. A system not specified as operating in real time cannot usually guarantee a response within any timeframe, although typical or expected response times may be given. Real-time processing fails if not completed within a specified deadline relative to an event; deadlines must always be met, regardless of system load.

A real-time system has been described as one which "controls an environment by receiving data, processing them, and returning the results sufficiently quickly to affect the environment at that time".[3] The term "real-time" is used in process control and enterprise systems to mean "without significant delay".

Real-time software may use one or more of the following: synchronous programming languages, real-time operating systems (RTOSes), and real-time networks, each of which provide essential frameworks on which to build a real-time software application.

Systems used for many safety-critical applications must be real-time, such as for control of fly-by-wire aircraft, or anti-lock brakes, both of which demand immediate and accurate mechanical response.[4]

The term real-time derives from its use in early simulation, in which a real-world process is simulated at a rate that matched that of the real process (now called real-time simulation to avoid ambiguity). Analog computers, most often, were capable of simulating at a much faster pace than real-time, a situation that could be just as dangerous as a slow simulation if it were not also recognized and accounted for.

Once when the MOS Technology 6502 (used in the Commodore 64 and Apple II), and later when the Motorola 68000 (used in the Macintosh, Atari ST, and Amiga) were popular, anybody could use their home computer as a real-time system. The possibility to deactivate other interrupts allowed for hard-coded loops with defined timing, and the low interrupt latency allowed the implementation of a real-time operating system, giving the user interface and the disk drives lower priority than the real-time thread. Compared to these the programmable interrupt controller of the Intel CPUs (8086..80586) generates a very large latency and the Windows operating system is neither a real-time operating system nor does it allow a program to take over the CPU completely and use its own scheduler, without using native machine language and thus surpassing all interrupting Windows code. However, several coding libraries exist which offer real time capabilities in a high level language on a variety of operating systems, for example Java Real Time. The Motorola 68000 and subsequent family members (68010, 68020 etc.) also became popular with manufacturers of industrial control systems. This application area is one in which real-time control offers genuine advantages in terms of process performance and safety.[citation needed]

A system is said to be real-time if the total correctness of an operation depends not only upon its logical correctness, but also upon the time in which it is performed.[5] Real-time systems, as well as their deadlines, are classified by the consequence of missing a deadline:[6]

Thus, the goal of a hard real-time system is to ensure that all deadlines are met, but for soft real-time systems the goal becomes meeting a certain subset of deadlines in order to optimize some application-specific criteria. The particular criteria optimized depend on the application, but some typical examples include maximizing the number of deadlines met, minimizing the lateness of tasks and maximizing the number of high priority tasks meeting their deadlines.

Hard real-time systems are used when it is imperative that an event be reacted to within a strict deadline. Such strong guarantees are required of systems for which not reacting in a certain interval of time would cause great loss in some manner, especially damaging the surroundings physically or threatening human lives (although the strict definition is simply that missing the deadline constitutes failure of the system). Some examples of hard real-time systems:

In the context of multitasking systems the scheduling policy is normally priority driven (pre-emptive schedulers). In some situations, these can guarantee hard real-time performance (for instance if the set of tasks and their priorities is known in advance). There are other hard real-time schedulers such as rate-monotonic which is not common in general-purpose systems, as it requires additional information in order to schedule a task: namely a bound or worst-case estimate for how long the task must execute. Specific algorithms for scheduling such hard real-time tasks exist, such as earliest deadline first, which, ignoring the overhead of context switching, is sufficient for system loads of less than 100%.[7] New overlay scheduling systems, such as an adaptive partition scheduler assist in managing large systems with a mixture of hard real-time and non real-time applications.

Soft real-time systems are typically used to solve issues of concurrent access and the need to keep a number of connected systems up-to-date through changing situations. Some examples of soft real-time systems:

In a real-time digital signal processing (DSP) process, the analyzed (input) and generated (output) samples can be processed (or generated) continuously in the time it takes to input and output the same set of samples independent of the processing delay.[9] It means that the processing delay must be bounded even if the processing continues for an unlimited time. That means that the mean processing time per sample, including overhead, is no greater than the sampling period, which is the reciprocal of the sampling rate. This is the criterion whether the samples are grouped together in large segments and processed as blocks or are processed individually and whether there are long, short, or non-existent input and output buffers.

Consider an audio DSP example; if a process requires 2.01 seconds to analyze, synthesize, or process 2.00 seconds of sound, it is not real-time. However, if it takes 1.99 seconds, it is or can be made into a real-time DSP process.

A common life analogy is standing in a line or queue waiting for the checkout in a grocery store. If the line asymptotically grows longer and longer without bound, the checkout process is not real-time. If the length of the line is bounded, customers are being "processed" and output as rapidly, on average, as they are being inputted then that process is real-time. The grocer might go out of business or must at least lose business if they cannot make their checkout process real-time; thus, it is fundamentally important that this process is real-time. be457b7860

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