
A picture of me at Aspen, Colorado.

Photographer: Jihwan Oh

I am a Kavli Fellow at IPMU, the University of Tokyo. I got my Ph.D. in Physics from Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, associated with University of Waterloo. Supervisor: Kevin Costello.

I am a mathematical physicist, my research focuses on the interface between physics, geometry, and representation theory. I am currently working on: 1) mathematical aspects of the twisted holography; 2) interplay between holomorphic-topological Chern-Simons theories and integrable models; 3) moduli spaces of vacua of supersymmetric gauge theories, and their relation to geometric representation theory.

I started my graduate studies in the PSI program at Perimeter Institute in 2016, then moved on to the Ph.D. program in 2017. Before going to Perimeter Institute, I received B.Sc. in physics from University of Science and Technology of China.