
Branding / logo design: CU Game Dev / Graphics Club

This includes designs for the club's logo, display board, flyers, banner and game jam thumbnail. The logo itself is designed to encapsulate both video and analog games into a cohesive, enclosed unit, while the controller emblem mixes design elements of both the Xbox and Playstation's flagship controllers for a more holistic design.

Blue was added to gradients to provide visual dynamism to the information flow, lightening the heavy blacks used by the logo and text while providing secondary contrast with the warmer, desaturated gold used by university branding.

The game jam banner breaks from this color scheme to define the logo in negative space and mimic the rainbow-gradient background used by the idea generator around which the jam centered.

Single-color sticker designs: Megaman Star Force 2 / 3 transformations

The various transformations were shown in profile to emphasize the wide variation in silhouettes and focus the viewer's attention entirely on the helmet and chestpiece of each. This brings the diverse shaping and individual affectations of each to the forefront, and the lack of thematic colors allows the viewer to focus entirely on the shape language and signifiers used by each form to establish their visual identity.

PDF polishing: W.O.R.S.T.

Special attention was paid to text scaling and spacing to ensure card information was consistent, readable and aligned with the game's "government taskforce" aesthetic. To this end, coffee stains were placed onto specific cards, and a cover card was added to identify the game when stored and to mimic the feeling of an overfilled file folder.