About Us

Here at Yee Yee University, we pride ourselves on the fact that many famous Country Bois/Girls have studied here, and our friendly group of staff will always help you. Just recently, we have made the change from an African school to a Pastafarian school, and are teaching our students about the ways of the Flying Spaghetti Monster right now. The Armenians we left could now call us going 'Halal mode' (pronounced).

Recently, we have started to embrace the nicknames our students give to our courses. So, next time you hear someone talking about 'Yeenglish', remember, they are taking about the Yee Yee University English Program.

Benjamin Rug is the Staff Coordinator here at Yee Yee University. He's only joined a few years ago, but he's taken an interest in YYU's distinct teaching style.

Yee Yee is our principal, and he founded the school. He's proud of last year's graduates, who won a grant this year to start Australia's first professional rock farm.

Joe Mama is our Head Professor at Yee Yee. He's been with us since the start, and has at least 37 and 8 fifths of degrees in all subjects that we teach her at Yee Yee University.