WISE 0146+4234B

Summary of Properties


Discovery Name

AllWISE Designation

CatWISE Designation

Spectral Type

Y_MKO (mag)

J_MKO (mag)

H_MKO (mag)

π (mas)

d (pc)

μ_αcos(δ) (mas yr−1)

μ_δ (mas yr−1)


WISE J014656.66+423410.0B

WISEA 014656.66+423410.0B

CWISE J014656.52+423410.1B

Y0 (spec decomp)

22.85 (0.19)

22.05 (0.07)

22.69 (0.17)

52.5 (2.3)

19.05 (0.83)

−452.0 (1.2)

−27.9 (1.2)

Discovery Data




  • Dupuy, Liu, & Leggett (2015): Y(NIRI/Gemini+NIRC2/Keck-MKO)=22.85 (0.19), J(NIRI/Gemini+NIRC2/Keck-MKO)=22.05 (0.07), H(NIRI/Gemini+NIRC2/Keck+MKO)=22.69 (0.17)

Parallax & Proper Motion

  • Lodieu, Béjar, Rebolo (2013): μ_αcos(δ)=−520 (80) mas yr−1, μ_δ=−110 (80) mas yr−1
  • Beichman et al. (2014): combined light - π=94 (14) mas, d=10.6 (1.5) pc, μ_αcos(δ)=−441 (13) mas yr−1, μ_δ=−26 (16) mas yr−1
  • Leggett et al. (2017): combined light - π=54 (5) mas, d= 18.5 (1.7) pc, μ_αcos(δ)=−455 (4) mas yr−1, μ_δ=−24 (4) mas yr−1
  • Martin et al. (2018): combined light - π=45.575 (5.74) mas, d= 21.94 (+3.16 −2.45) pc, μ_αcos(δ)=−450.67 (6.29) mas yr−1, μ_δ=−27.90 (6.34) mas yr−1
  • Kirkpatrick et al. (2019): combined light - π=52.5 (2.3) mas, d= 19.05 (0.83) pc, μ_αcos(δ)=−452.0 (1.2) mas yr−1, μ_δ=−27.9 (1.2) mas yr−1



  • Kirkpatrick et al. (2012) originally identified this source, WISE J014656.66+423410.0, as a Y0 dwarf. Its AllWISE designation is WISEA 014656.66+423410.0 with W1>19.137, W2=15.083 (0.065), W3=12.447, W4>9.254.
  • Kirkpatrick et al. (2012): Combined-light photometry of WISE J014656.66+423410.0, J(Bigelow)=19.40 (0.25), H(Bigelow)=18.71 (0.24), [3.6]=17.50 (0.07), [4.5]=15.08 (0.02)
  • Lodieu, Béjar, Rebolo (2013): Combined-light photometry of z(OSIRIS/GTC)=24.10 (0.13).
  • Beichman et al. (2014): Combined-light photometry of WISE J014656.66+423410.0, H(NIRC2/Keck-MKO)=20.91 (0.21), [3.6]=17.42 (0.05), [4.5]=15.05 (0.03)
  • Dupuy, Liu, & Leggett (2015): Combined-light photometry of WISE J014656.66+423410.0, Y(NIRI/Gemini-MKO)=21.60 (0.15), J(NIRI/Gemini-MKO)=20.69 (0.07), H(NIRI/Gemini-MKO)=21.30 (0.12), K(NIRI/Gemini-MKO)=22.4 (0.4).
  • Dupuy, Liu, & Leggett (2015): Obtained a GNIRS, 0.9-2.4 um, R=750 combined-light spectrum of WISE J014656.66+423410.0.