Conferences and Publications

Conferences & Presentations

  • Haines, C., Mills, J., Campana, K., and Martens, M. (2019). And the Survey Says…: Preliminary Results From the 2018 Young Children, New Media, and Libraries Survey of Technology Use in Today’s Libraries. Seattle, WA: American Library Association 2019 Midwinter Meeting.
  • Mills, J. E., Campana, K., Martens, M., & Haines, C., Connected Learning Summit 2018, " Where the wired things are: A study of current technology use in public library programming for young children," poster, Cambridge, MA, (August 1-3, 2018).
  • Campana, K., Mills, J. E., Haines, C., Prendergast, T., & Martens, M., ALA Annual 2018—Hot Topics, “To tech or not to tech: The debate and the research around technology, young children, and the library,” New Orleans, LA, (June 24, 2018).
  • Mills, J. E., Koester, A. “Young children, libraries, & new media survey,” ALA Midwinter, (February 1, 2015).


  • Campana, K., Mills, J. E., Haines, C., Prendergast, T., & Martens, M. (under review). To tech or not to tech: The debate and the research around technology, young children, and the library. Children & Libraries.
  • Mills, J. E., Campana, K., Martens, M., & Haines, C. (2018). " Where the wired things are: A study of current technology use in public library programming for young children." Connected Learning Summit 2018 Proceedings.
  • Campana, K., Mills, J. E., Haines, C., Prendergast, T., & Martens, M. (2018). "To tech or not to tech: The debate and the research around technology, young children, and the library--Annotated Bibliography." Web. Accessed at 2018 Tech Bibliography.
  • Mills, J. E., Romeijn-Stout, E., Campbell, C., Koester, A. (2015). Results from the young children, new media, & libraries survey: What did we learn? Children & Libraries, 13(2), 26-35.