YCM Pachwad Library

'Best Reader Award'

‘Knowledge is a seed that grows when you read’ to stick with this slogan our YCM, Pachwad Library provides services and facilities to rural area students. Reading is the backbone of education. Good reading skills not only benefit students academically, but they are also a skill needed for lifelong success. ‘Library Best Reader Award’ to promote rural area students to attract the library reading materials and to develop reading habits. Our college library gives Best Reader Award to students as well as Teachers. The library committee including the librarian and her assistance observe students' active participation in the activities determined as the norms of the best reader award. The norms include the behavior of the student in the library, the availing of library facilities and his/her constant reading habit. The books (Text books and literature) which he/she has read throughout his degree course by numbers and by subjects are taken into consideration. The Award is given in the form of Certificate in the Annual Day Function of the college at the hands of eminent personality. Today it has become one of the prestigious award of the college. Up to the present day, 5 students have achieved this award.