Yang Chen

This website is no longer being updated as of 08/22/2022. Please refer to my new webpage here: https://yangchenfunstatistics.github.io/yangchen.github.io//

Assistant Professor of Statistics

Research Assistant Professor for MIDAS

Department of Statistics

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

September. 2017 - Now

Contact Information

Address: 445E West Hall

1085 S. Univ. Ave.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

My Profile at the Department Website is here.



Ph. D. in Statistics, May. 2017, Harvard University

B. Sc. in Mathematics, July. 2011, University of Science and Technology of China

Research Interests (Google Scholar Link)

Bayesian modeling and computation

Hidden Markov models & general finite mixture models

Applied statistics in astronomy and space sciences

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yang-Chen-202/stats

Teaching Experience

Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

  • 2017 Fall, 2018 Winter, 2019 Winter, 2020 Winter, STATS 551: Bayesian Modeling and Computation.

  • 2019 Winter, 2019 Fall, STATS 451: Bayesian Models.

Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

  • 2018 & 2019 Big Data Summer Institute: Bayesian Computation.


I am currently recruiting postdocs, Ph.D. students and master students to join my research group. Please send an email to ychenang@umich.edu if you are interested, attaching your CV and transcripts. Thanks!