Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol / Other Information

Gwisg Ysgol / School Uniform

Rheolau Gwisg Ysgol Bro Pedr

Crys polo porffor (gyda bathodyn yr ysgol) NEU grys gwyn a thei swyddogol yr ysgol Siwmper/cardigan llwyd (gyda streip porffor a bathodyn yr ysgol) a/neu fflîs yr ysgol (siwmper du i’r 6ed) Sgert ddu, blaen (dim mwy na 10cm uwchben y ben-glin) gyda theits du trwchus Trowsus du, main neu syth Siorts du plaen, wedi’u teilwra (dim mwy na 10cm uwchben y ben-glin) - Pasg hyd hanner tymor Hydref yn unig Esgidiau neu dreinyrs du, plaen.Ni chaniateir: trowsusau tynn, ‘leggings’, trowsusau tracwisg, ‘hoodies’, hetiau a chapiau, bŵts, gemwaith yn y wyneb neu gorff (caniateir un styd ymhob clust), lliw gwallt annaturiol a phatrymau yn y gwallt, colur eithafol, farnais ewinedd lliwgar, ewinedd ffals / ‘gels’ / ‘acrylics’.

Ysgol Bro Pedr School Uniform Rules

Purple polo shirt (with school badge) OR white shirt and official school tie Grey jumper /cardigan (with purple trim and school badge) and/or school fleece (black jumper for 6th form) Plain black skirt (no more than 10 cm above the knee) with thick black tights Slim or straight leg black trousers Plain black, tailored, shorts (no more than 10 cm above the knee) - Easter to October half term only Plain black shoes or trainers.We do not allow: skin-tight trousers, leggings, tracksuit bottoms, hoodies, hats and caps, boots, facial and body piercings (one stud in each ear is permitted), unnatural hair colour and patterns in hair, extreme make up, coloured nail varnish, false nails / gels / acrylics.

Allgyrsiol / Extra-curricular

Mae cyfres o glybiau allgyrsiol ar gael yn yr ysgol gan gynnwys clybiau rygbi, 5x60, gwyddoniaeth, garddio, newyddiaduraeth & Dungeons&Dragons - rhywbeth at ddant pawb.

There are plenty extra-curricular clubs available at the school including rugby clubs, 5x60, Science Club, gardening. a journalism club & Dungeons&Dragons - there's something for everyone.


Derbyn gohebiaeth wrth yr ysgol & arian cinio

(gweler y llythyr sy'n amlinelli sut mae'r ysgol yn rhannu gohebiaeth gyda rhieni drwy Parentpay ag unrhyw gwestiynnau eraill sy'n codi'n aml)

Receiving school correspondence & dinner money 

(see the letter for information on how the school shares correspondence with parents through Parentpay & any other frequently asked questions)
