I am on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and while I can download chrome remote desktop and access my machine using the Remote Support section and typing in the code, I do not see any ability to add my device in the remote access section. I can't add my device and the two devices are my two other computers that I have set it up on (one mac one windows).

My use case is simply that I want to be able to assist my elderly father with his Windows computer. I tried having him access the Chrome Remote Desktop support interface (it generates a code that you can share with someone to remote in temporarily)... but even that was too much for him to handle.

Download Chrome Remote Access

Download 🔥 https://urluss.com/2y4P6h 🔥

Ideally, I'd want Chrome Remote Desktop to just be running all the time and I'd have permanent access to it without him having to intervene in any way. Basically, he'd be logged in with his Google account but have given my Google account permanent permission to access his computer.

From a Windows or Mac, you can setup persistent remote access. From your dad's computer, visit and login at the URL I pasted above. Scroll to the bottom and click the download button in the "Set up remote access" section.

I would like to be able to connect to an unattended remote computer via Chrome Remote Desktop but once I click Share in the Chrome plugin and the access code is displayed it times out in several minutes.

The way it currently works only makes sense when two people are sitting at both ends and is a pain to use when you need to connect to an unattended computer because in this case, you need to use some other graphical connection protocol which defeats the entire idea of remote control.

If you're using Windows, Mac or Linux on the computer you'd like to access remotely (in future), then from that computer (at a time when you have physical access to it) go to (sign in if necessary) and download the Chrome Remote Desktop application. Then you can set up that computer for remote access (the process is a bit more involved on Linux; details are on that page), and there will be no time out.

We used to use Teamviewer Host to allow me to remote into the phone and help him with any issues he was having with the phone, but it looks like Google doesn't allow Teamviewer to work on their platforms. Does anyone know if Chrome Remote Desktop allows you to remote access phones/mobile devices?

I'm trying to start running Screaming Frog in the Google Cloud Platform console using the steps on the ScreamingFrog website but I'm having trouble getting the Remote Desktop to run in SSH. Every time I enter DISPLAY= /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/start-host --code="4/0AZEOvhVqPx3gYL01LCIWIK8idzut9v47hRYwL5QWi4EOhDt_JJaO0ZrPLMCs_EiMNacfCQ" --redirect-url=" _/oauthredirect" --name=$(hostname)

I believe you're doing everything right and Google has pushed a faulty package here. Chrome remote desktop used to work for me before but when I updated the Debian package recently this error started to appear. From the looks of it it's a faulty python script.

This is a big problem for me since I want to control my p1s from a chromebook sitting next to the p1s. Is there any way for me to fix this on my end? I doubt bambu labs will change something this fundamental.

I recently switched from a iMac running OS7 to a Mac Mini with the M1 chip. On my iMac, I was able to leave the Mac on with no users logged on and I could access it from another computer (Mac or PC) using Chrome Remote Desktop. Now that I have the Mac Mini with the M1 chip, when the Mac is on with no one logged on, it appears as offline within Chrome Remote Desktop. When I log onto the Mac mini, then it appears as online within CRD and I can remote onto it. This Mac has multiple users, so I can't leave it logged in as one user all the time to be able to access it remotely. I want to be able to access it using CRD, then log in with my credentials like I used to do on the iMac. Is there a setting that needs to be changed to allow this? I have tried everything I can think of to allow me to do this.

Thanks for the information, I wasn't aware they had their own remote desktop software. I would be accessing it from a Macbook, so this might work for me. I'll look into it and see if I am able to remote into it without a user being logged in.

So, I just want to check-in on my home unraid server now and then from work. I have looked into Guacamole, but it is way over my head. If I keep an old laptop running at home, is it safe to access it then access the unraid webui via the Chrome Remote Access. Basically, it is easy for me to set up, but before doing it, I just want to make sure it is safe and secure.

I went with WireGuard in preference because I have it set up so I can access any device on my home LAN, not just the Unraid server. When away from home I regularly want to access a Windows desktop on my home LAN which I access using NoMachine Remote Desktop running over WireGuard.

3. Here comes the problem. I tried to go to the root in the remote desktop, but VM asked for a password. I have no idea what this password comes from, and I tried the instance id and my gmail password, not working. (figure shows the remote desktop)

i have a PA VM-200. I've used the built-in 'chrome-remote-desktop' protocol, and doesn't work. The description seems to say this protocol is in BETA and is for the support function fo the chrome-remote-desktop.

I'm part of a VZW wireless business account. I'm tech support for my company. When I need to remote access my system after hours to work on servers, Chrome Remote Desktop (CRD) won't connect over VZW's LTE network; I have to connect over WiFi. Depending on where I am at the time, I may not have WiFi available.

If you have APN access, could you see if a difference is made by forcing IPV6 or IPV4 only? Not that it matters, except for the fact that Verizon does some injection of HTTP traffic for advertising purposes on consumer accounts, and there is also CGNAT / Caching proxies at hand. Chrome remote desktop should not be affected by this due to encryption, but something to consider.

- when I try to open my remote computer in CRD over the mobile network, it tells me that it "cannot reach the host, possibly due to configuration of the network you are on." If I turn in WiFi, and tap on my remote computer, it connects right away. If I turn off WiFi and try again, it won't connect.

I am having the same issue on my Samsung Note 5 over Verizon Lte trying Chrome Remote Desktop when I go to connect to my PC my entire mobile data connection is being reset from the my carrier verizon as it happens automatically and only when i go to actually connect using Google Chrome Remote Desktop. Nothing is reset in my connection as shown on the status bar when I use my WiFI on my Galaxy Note 5 handset. This is repeatable and we can upload a video to prove it if necessary. Why is Verizon blocking me from using Google Chrome Remote Desktop. Other carriers are not doing this to their customers. The network for proffesionals should not be stopping remote connection programs. As far as I know this is only on Google Chrome Remote Desktop, because this has not happened to me on Teamviewer over my Verizon Mobile Data connection. My issue I am reporting is the same as the original poster. Verizon we are stating what is happening as we have observed, the Original Poster may not of stated the Mobile Data connection resets but I am and the last user to post above me is reporting it to. This seems like a deliberate built in mechanism causing Verizon to reset the mobile data connection the moment it detects an attempt of chrome remote desktop app to connect over Verizons internet connection. Under fair use this is not legal as a user above has also mentioned. Please reply Verizon.

@Clarity - I have used C-R-D with ScPup64-20.06. I used a .pet I made a year ago & the browser plugin to connect then.

Old .pet no longer works. (Chrome = constant change). I've made a new .pet including parts of the current .deb.

Connects via ScPup64-21.04, but as for security etc - I don't know. On both PCs, need to install .pet, then open latest chrome & install c-r-d plugin, run it & go to remotedesktop.google.com/support. USE AT OWN RISK.

So, how can I wirelessly create a network where I can access my mini computer like Remote Desktop? I mean I can make a LAN to share files if I want, but I need complete control over the computer, obviously.

I'm having the same question. I have a mini pc and a mini router that is plugged in via ethernet. However, when I connect my ipad/computer to the mini router's wifi network, it still wont connect to the mini pc without internet. it needs internet to do remote desktop. I'm so confused how to use remote desktop to connect to this mini router without internet

EDIT: I just remembered another thing about RD - if you disconnect from a remote connection, it would automatically log you out on the home computer. This made parts of my workflow more difficult and I could not find a way to change that behavior.

I have tried many remote application throughout the years with or without internet. TeamViewer, Chrome, Supremo etc... By far the most reliable was VNC. It is a set and forget kind of thing and works with or without internet as long as you know the IP address.

I laughed when I read about the loss of audio. I find when running remotely that I hate it when the remote computer starts making noise!. My remote systems try to recover and if they can't just shut down and close the roof.

I have a paid subscription of BD VPN and it appears to be blocking Chrome remote access to my home server, AnyDesk is installed as a backup and I can access it without issue as I added the app to the tunnel option.

I'm not exactly familiar with Chrome remote access, but if it's IP-based, most likely that's the reason behind the blocking issue. Anydesk should normally work without setting the exception. Teamviewer surely works and it's basically the same thing. I've found this old post that may shed some light on this: e24fc04721

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