Yatin Nandwani

My Journey...

A PhD scholar in the area of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, guided by Mausam and Parag Singla at Computer Science and Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

Prior to joining the PhD program in 2017, I worked in the quantitative finance industry for 10 years.

During the last five years of my professional stint, I was busy making high frequency trading strategies at Estee Advisors, trading primarily in stock, index and currency options.

I started my career in 2007 with the Equity Quantitative Analytics team at Lehman Brothers, which was eventually bought by Nomura after its bankruptcy in 2008.

I did my graduation in Mathematics and Computing, a five year integrated M.Tech programme offered by Mathematics Department at IIT Delhi.

Research Interests

Being a quant, my research interests lie at the intersection of stats and computer science. Hence, Machine Learning was a natural choice for me, even before it became a hype!

Currently, I am interested in the broad area of integrating symbolic knowledge with neural networks. Specifically, looking at how to train neural models for solving symbolic tasks? What are the different ways of learning better neural models by augmenting them with domain knowledge? How can we efficiently integrate differentiable symbolic solvers with neural networks for end-to-end training of neuro-symbolic architectures?

During my 1st year of PhD, I started with an ambitious project of automatically generating radiology reports from a brain CT scan. Unfortunately I moved on to other interesting things and that project eventually died. I hope to come back to similar research problems some time in future.

Academic Activities

  1. Tutorial on Neuro-symbolic AI @ ODSC APAC 2021 [Video]

  2. One of the workflow chairs at AAAI 2021

  3. Participated as a Reviewer for NeurIPS 2020, 2021, ICLR 2022.

Other Events Attended

  1. Amazon Research Days, 2021, 2019, 2018

  2. Microsoft Academic Research Summit 2018: A Future with AI