
Last Update: 2024 / 6 / 2

Welcome to my Animal page!

I LOVE animals, and I love to draw them. My favorites are Bears, Gorillas, and Orca whales (I haven't much Orcas before!?)

A lot of my Bear art is done from live bear cam. Open from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn. It's a great resource for 'drawing from life', in a way!
Additionally, much of my gorilla art features Gorillas from the Shabani (Higashiyama Zoo) and Momotaro (Kyoto Zoo) families. There are tons of YouTube channels dedicated to them. I love to use these videos as art references.

Sketches from a visit to Toronto zoo (May 18th, 2024)

Strange black pigeon I saw in Libya. It's feathers were all rumpled and sticky-looking, and had no sense of direction. Bumping into things. Poor thing :(