Yasha Savelyev 


Currently at the University of Colima. 

Link to the department members.

In the spring 2024 I will be a visiting fellow at IAS Princeton.

I am a mathematician working  broadly  in geometry-topology.
Interests: I am attracted to conceptual approaches of category theory, topology and algebra in differential geometry, especially symplectic geometry, and in dynamical systems.  I am also often thinking about  mathematical ideas born in physics.

Work interests more specifically:  Floer-Gromov-Witten
theory and its interactions with Hofer geometry
and algebraic topology.  Other recent interests:
sky catastrophes in dynamical systems, rigidity in
locally conformally symplectic geometry, geometric
quantization and   twisted- untwisted K-theory,
generalized smooth spaces and smooth Kan complexes, incompleteness for stably computable formal systems.

Other interests: surfing, hiking with my dog,  games, reading. (Usually, can't stop thinking of math even while surfing or hiking, but still helps to relax.)


                                                                                                                                      Articles and preprints 

                                                                                                                                      CV (current as of fall 2022)




Profesor e investigador Titular A 

University of Colima, Mexico

Bernal Díaz del Castillo 340

Col. Villas San Sebastian

28045 Colima Colima
