The Laughing Crane's Lament

has multiple interpretations. One is an allusion to a character of the same name from a contemporary dance that dealt with the philosophical issues of the Earth's balance. Another draws a connection to a dancer who played this role on stage. This was a dancer I knew and went to school with many years ago. This piece is written, in part, in memory of this person, the bird in flight that sadly took its own life at a young age. This work explores the aspects of such a dancer: the graceful and enchanting qualities that come into conflict with the underlying torments and bitter melancholy that may have plagued this gentle spirit.

Rise to the Sun: 7 Footsteps and 7 Prayers for Getting Out of Hell plays with travel and journey in two senses - forward on a physical road and into the heart of the self. This book on spiritual healing is a voyage to freedom set in the context of our times. A timely and necessary work, Rise to the Sun illustrates how humankind must seek to heal its own innate suffering before it can hope to succeed in healing the various external crises affecting our planet. The 7 Footsteps and 7 Prayers unlock a kinder, gentler, and long-lasting engine for transformation.

Jonathan Wilson Gentle Spirit Do


The most casual acquaintance discovered in him awinsomeness of manners. Simple, courteous, modest,responsive, he had all the marks of a Christian gentleman.He was friendly but free from effusiveness;hospitable yet without aggressiveness in urging attentions.He had a warm sympathy but never bestowedthe pity of superiority nor the flattery of patronage.His love of companions made him a leader amongyoung men. In his nature the sthetic had its properbalance. He possessed a love of the beautiful bothin art and in nature, and in this love he found a constantinspiration to purity and nobleness. The bestin literature and in art and in music found a responsein his heart. Without doubt, however, to those whoknew Boon Itt best, it was the spiritual quality thatgave richness to his character. He was deeply religious;he had a religiousness of soul rather than ofmind, free from the sentimental, the spectacular or thetrivial. Faith with him was not a matter of creedbut of simple, profound trust in a God whose goodnesshe had proven. be457b7860

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