
Main Publications:

Selected US-UK Press Coverage: CNN (Spanish), BBC, Washington Post, Pacific Standard, NPR, HuffPost, The Conversation US, NY Mag.
Other International Media Coverage: La Nacion (Ecuador), Publimetro (Chile), Infobae (Argentina), Sydney Morning Herald  (Australia), Europe 1, Le Figaro, (France), DN (Portugal), La Jornada (Mexico), Straitstimes (Singapore), Canada Free Press.

Working papers:

Can Single-Sex Schooling Shape the Gender Differences in Response to Pressure?  (Evidence from South Korea), with Caterina Calsamiglia. (Draft available upon request).

Ideological Vaccines, with Agustín Casas and Liza Pronkina. (Draft available soon).

Motherhood and the Allocation of Talent, with Inés Berniell, Lucila Berniell, Dolores de la Mata, María Edo, Matilde Machado, Mariana Marchionni. (IZA WP).

Other publications:

Book chapters:


Retirement and the Marginal Utility of Income, with Andrew Clark. PSE WP.

Flexible Retirement, with Sergi Jimenez Martín and Alfonso Sánchez Martín.