Yaoda Xu, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist

Psychology Department

Yale University

New Haven, CT 06511


I study visual information representation in the human brain using both behavioral measures and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques. I am interested in the involvement of the human posterior parietal cortex in supporting the adaptive and online aspect of visual information processing critical to visual working memory, decision making and behavior. I am also interested in the nature of visual representation in human occipito-temporal cortex.

My recent work evaluated CNN modeling as a viable scientific method to understand primate vision and whether there are fundamental differences in visual processing between the brain and CNNs that would limit CNN modeling as a shortcut to understand primate vision.

Here is a detailed description of my research.

Here is the full list of my publications.

Download my CV here.

I am a member of the Yale Visual Cognitive Neuroscience Lab.