Public Goods (Corporate Default Risk Data):

NUS CRI produces real-time default risk predictions for over 92,000 public firms worldwide as a public good.

Public Goods (Corporate Default Risk Data):

The key dataset source employed in my job market paper and most of my research is from the National University of Singapore Credit Research Initiative (NUS CRI). The non-profit organization provides corporate default risk assessment for publicly listed firms worldwide as a form of public good. Academic researchers, regulators, and industry practitioners are welcome to consider this dataset for their corporate default risk assessment. The website is available below:

NUS Credit Research Initiative (

To raise awareness about the potential of the dataset and how academic researchers can freely (and conveniently) download the dataset for academic research or policy work, I have prepared a slide and volunteered to raise awareness of the NUS CRI products across different universities and central banks (with the support of the NUS CRI client service team). The slide is available here:

NUS CRI data slide