
Welcome to my website! I am a final year Ph.D. student in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My research focuses on identifying vulnerabilities and risks to financial stability, covering the intersection of International Finance, Financial Economics, and Corporate Finance. My current research encompasses two key areas:

(1) Identification of vulnerabilities in global corporate debt with advanced econometrics. A central theme of this research focuses on corporate vulnerability relating to international correlated debt distress, global systemic risk, and corporate default contagion.

(2) Systemic importance of insurance and pension fund sectors - Focusing on the transmission of shocks from these sectors and the disproportionate impact on the real and financial sectors of the broader economy.

I previously served as a visiting scholar in the National University of Singapore Credit Research Initiative (NUS CRI) and an academic visitor at the Bank of England.

I will be on the job market in 2023/2024.

In my website, you will find my current research, CV, and discussion slides. Feel free to contact me at leeyanru@live.unc.edu if there are any ways I can help.