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I'm Professor of Economics at the Université de Lorraine and my research interests lie mainly in the field of Law and Economics, with a special focus on litigation and dispute resolution.
Address: BETA ; Maison de la Recherche (2ème étage) ; 23 rue Baron Louis 54000 Nancy.
Email: yannick.gabuthy@univ-lorraine.fr
Curriculum Vitae (in French) [Last updated: November 2024]
"Game theory is the best, and perhaps the only, systematic way to analyze strategic interaction to predicting litigation behavior" (Robert G. Bone, The University of Texas School of Law)
Works in progress
Ignorance is Bliss? Image Concerns and Information Avoidance in Litigation (with M. Ayouni and T. Friehe).
The Impact of Name and Shame and Fee-Shifting on Frivolous Lawsuits (with E-A. Lambert, S. Massoni and E. Peterle).
Lawyer Fee Arrangements and Litigation Outcomes: An Auction-Theoretic Perspective (with P-H. Morand).
Economie comportementale des politiques publiques, La Découverte (coll. Repères), 2021 (with N. Jacquemet and O. L'Haridon).
Théorie des jeux coopératifs et non coopératifs. Application aux sciences sociales, De Boeck Supérieur (coll. LMD Economie), 2018 (with S. Béal). [Errors and typos]
Frivolous Lawsuits. In: Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, A. Marciano and G. B. Ramello (eds.), Springer, 2017 (with E-A. Lambert).
Economie expérimentale et droit. In: Analyse économique du droit, B. Deffains et E. Langlais (eds.), De Boeck Supérieur, 2009 (with N. Jacquemet).
Analyse économique de la criminalité. In: Analyse économique du droit, B. Deffains et E. Langlais (eds.), De Boeck Supérieur, 2009 (with N. Jacquemet and E. Langlais).
An Economic Analysis of Conflicts Resolution in Cyberspace. In: Internet and Digital Economics, E. Brousseau et N. Curien (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2007 (with B. Deffains and P. Fénoglio).
Severance Payments: Main Effects and Determinants on the Labour Market. European Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming (with E-A. Lambert).
Promoting Internal Whistleblowing in Organizations. IZA World of Labor, 2024, 512 (with E-A. Lambert).
On Plaintiff's Strategic Information Acquisition and Disclosure During Discovery. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 2024, 24, 4, 1353-1359 (with M. Ayouni and T. Friehe).
L'économie comportementale murmure à l'oreille du juriste. Revue Française d'Economie, 2024, 39, 17-42 (with N. Jacquemet and O. L'Haridon).
Bayesian Persuasion in Lawyer-Client Communication. International Review of Law and Economics, 2024, 78, Article 106196 (with M. Ayouni and T. Friehe).
Blockchain-based Dispute Resolution: Insights and Challenges. Games, 2023, 14, 34.
Asking for Information Prior to Settlement or Trial When Misrepresentation of Evidence is Possible. Mathematical Social Sciences, 2023, 121, 26-35 (with M. Ayouni and T. Friehe).
Analyse économique du droit : bilan et prospective. Revue de droit d'Assas, 2022, 24, 118-121.
Legal Fees, Cost-Shifting Rules and Litigation: Experimental Evidence. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2021, 93, Article 101705 (with E. Peterle and J-C. Tisserand).
Règle anglaise versus règle américaine d’allocation des frais de justice : une analyse expérimentale. Revue Economique, 2020, 71, 973-1004 (with E. Peterle and J-C. Tisserand).
Opting for the English Rule: On the Contractual Re-Allocation of Legal Fees. International Review of Law and Economics, 2020, 63, Article 105928 (with M. Ayouni and T. Friehe).
Settlement Implications of Lawyer Advertising. International Review of Law and Economics, 2020, 61, Article 105870 (with T. Friehe and E-A. Lambert).
Actions en justice et rémunération des avocats : une revue de la littérature. Revue Economique, 2020, 71, 557-590 (with M. Doriat-Duban and E-A. Lambert).
On Plaintiff Preferences Regarding Methods of Compensating Lawyers. Review of Law and Economics, 2019, 15, 1-20 (with T. Friehe).
On Lawyer Compensation when Appeals are Possible. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 2019, 19, 1-11 (with C. At and T. Friehe).
Bargaining and Hold-up: The Role of Arbitration. Oxford Economic Papers, 2019, 71, 292-308 (with A. Muthoo).
Legal Advertising and Frivolous Lawsuits. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2018, 174, 570-593 (with E-A. Lambert).
Enseigner les structures de marché et stratégies de concurrence avec les jeux pédagogiques. Revue d’Economie Politique, 2018, 1, 1-39 (with E-A. Lambert).
Moral Hazard and Agency Relationship in Sequential Litigation. International Review of Law and Economics, 2015, 41, 86-90 (with C. At).
The Influence of Lawyers and Fee Arrangements on Arbitration. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2013, 139, 720-738 (with N. Chappe).
Freedom to Bargain and Disputes’ Resolution. European Journal of Law and Economics, 2013, 36, 373-388 (with E-A. Lambert).
Severance Pay : Incentive or Lethargy Effect? Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2013, 60, 43-55 (with E-A. Lambert and L. Thomas).
L’apport de l’économie expérimentale dans l’élaboration des politiques publiques. Revue Française d’Economie, 2013, 18, 155-194 (with S. Ferey and N. Jacquemet).
Analyse économique du droit et méthode expérimentale. Economie et Prévision, 2013, 1-2, 121-145 (with N. Jacquemet).
English Rule and Frivolous Suits: Conditional versus Hourly Fees. Review of Law and Economics, 2011, 7, 75-88 (with E-A. Lambert).
Labour Disputes, Investment Decisions and the Judiciary. Labour Economics, 2010, 17, 424-433 (with B. Deffains and E-A. Lambert).
Does Resorting to Online Dispute Resolution Promote Agreements? Experimental Evidence. European Economic Review, 2008, 52, 259-282 (with N. Jacquemet and N. Marchand).
Licenciement individuel et incitations. Revue Française d’Economie, 2008, 23, 3-50 (with E-A. Lambert).
L’émergence de la résolution électronique des litiges favorise-t-elle le développement de nouvelles stratégies de négociation ? Négociations, 2008, 2, 9-23 (with B. Deffains).
Une évaluation expérimentale des modes électroniques de résolution des litiges. Revue Economique, 2007, 58, 1309-1330 (with N. Jacquemet).
The Coordination Problem in a Structural Model of Peak-Period Congestion: An Experimental Study. Review of Network Economics, 2006, 5, 273-299 (with L. Denant-Boèmont and M. Neveu).
Efficiency of Online Dispute Resolution: A Case Study. Communications and Strategies, 2005, 60, 201-224 (with B. Deffains).
Online Dispute Resolution and Bargaining. European Journal of Law and Economics, 2004, 17, 353-371.
Les décideurs publics doivent pouvoir enclencher les progrès nécessaires en soulevant l'adhésion plutôt que la fronde. Le Monde, October, 17 2022 (with O. Bargain, D. Masclet, M-C. Villeval, M. Willinger et J. Wittwer).
Richard Thaler, promoteur du paternalisme libéral. Le Monde, October, 13 2017 (with S. Ferey and N. Jacquemet).
Guest editor
Droit et nouvelles technologies, Revue Française d'Economie, 2024, 39, 2.
Economie de la résolution des litiges. Revue Economique, 2020, 71, 3.
Economie du droit. Economie et Prévision, 2013, 1-2.
Research visits
University of Marburg, Germany, July 2018 and 2023.
University of Essex, United Kingdom, September 2001-February 2002.
Committee for Scientific Integrity of the Université de Lorraine (elected member), since 2024.
Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Doctoral School (co-head of the school), since 2023.
Bachelor's degree in Economics (head of the bachelor), since 2022.
Workgroup on New technologies and Justice, GDR Internet and Society (co-head of the workgoup), since 2021.
Department of Economics of the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Management (head of the department), since 2021.
Scientific council of the Université de Lorraine (elected member), since 2020.
Council of the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Management (elected member), since 2014.
Faculty of Law, Economics, and Management: Microeconomics, Game theory, Experimental economics, Behavioral economics.
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po): Introduction to economics, Public economics.
Ecole des Mines de Nancy: Game theory.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie: Environmental economics.
Université Technologique Belfort-Montbéliard: Industrial organization.